Chapter 15

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Once Mike caught sight of Jay, he saw Jay's chest move up and down, signalling a sigh. That almost made Mike feel guilty. Almost.

Still, they met up, nodded a greeting and walked off. Even Jay wasn't quite as casual with the flow this time, usually he was happy and calm, relaxed and neutral. But today he was a little tense and fully avoided eye contact. Like he'd lost the confidence he gained when first speaking to Mike.

Upon arrival at the White's residence, Mike and Jay still hadn't spoken. They walked upstairs and sat on the bed.

Mike's voice broke the silence, 'you should believe me.'

'And you should accept yourself,' Jay answered back.

Not the answer Mike expected, 'what?'

'About being gay,' Jay stated, staring st the floor.

'I'm not gay!'

'I'll still help you when you're ready to come out-'

'For the thousandth time, I'm not!'

'And I don't believe you, so it's fair. You still can't look me in the eye when you say it' Jay said, mike remained silent, 'let's just get started.'

'Just listen to me-'

'There's nothing to listen to, Mike. It doesn't matter, so please drop the subject,' Jay smiled politely at Mike, but the sadness showed as his dimples didn't.

Mike decided to follow his wishes and said nothing more, until after an hour of silence and working on the assignment.

'I suppose we're done for today,' Jay said.

'Just remember what I've said,' Mike made it sound like a threat or warning. Jay looked up at him, 'you'll see eventually.'

That got to Jay, but he remained calm about it all.

'Bye,' Mike said. Jay wanted to respond with goodbye, just to be polite, but felt he couldn't. He felt stiff and still, like heavy rock.

At school the very next day, in an English lesson were 2 people who had never interacted; Dan and George. They never talked, and Dan was never expecting to. But that day was different.

'Hey,' George made conversation.

Dan, startled, turned to look at George, 'oh, hey?'

'How are you?' George smiled his way.

'I-I'm fine, just bored in an English lesson,' he joked, but didn't laugh, 'how are you?'

'I'm good, thank you.'

Dan leaned onto the desk, 'if you don't mind me asking, why are you talking to me suddenly?'

George glanced to the desk before looking back at him, 'why not? Change of character, if you will.'

'Oh,' was all Dan could find to say, 'well, it's a nice difference, I suppose.'

'I never intended to hurt your friend. Jay?' George said, 'ok, that's a lie, I did a first, but now I don't. So I'll leave him alone.'

'Speaking of which, why has Mike stopped being a pratt to him?'

'No idea,' George stated with a shrug.

'I'm not complaining,' Dan smiled a little.

'Yeah,' George smiled back.

The bell rang and the two went their separate ways to their friends. As Mike sat at the table with his friends, except none of them talked to him. He felt out-casted, like a reject. With the only source of entertainment being his phone, he clutched it in his hand and kept his eyes glued to the screen, as though his life depended on it.

His fingers typed, rapid, a message to a certain number in determination to prove himself right.

Mike: how do you feel from the party?

Sent, seen. Then a reply came.

Shawn: I feel dreadful. Not the handover, about cheating. He doesn't deserve it.

Mike: we all make mistakes.

It was like fooling a child, luring prey into a trap. A false sense of kindness that was just a mask over evil.

Shawn: even worse, he confronted me about it and I lied. But, why did you tell him?

Mike: he told you I told him?

Both expected and not.

Shawn: he doesn't believe you anyways. Doesn't mean I dont feel bad.

That was all Mike needed. He screenshotted the chat and the number before forwarding the message to the person who he wanted to believe him.

Opposite that table, Jay felt his phone vibrate. He turned his head as he pulled out his phone, the others still in conversation.

Proof. Mike was right.

He felt a pit form in his stomach. His mouth went dry and his hands went numb. His face paled and eyes lost their brightness. Without speaking a word, he got up from the table and ran out of the room. His friends snapped their heads in his direction, not expecting his actions. Others around saw, but did nothing and just continued on talking. Mike saw. The way his eyes glazed over and reflected the light because of his tears.

He felt it responsible to get up and go after Jay, but it would make the rumours worse. He debated getting up, he kept his eyes on the swinging door but felt he couldn't move.

'Going to run after your boyfriend?' A voice asked, followed by an irritating laugh.

Mike snarled in Mark's direction, earning chuckles from his friends

'What? Too chicken to make out with him?' Mark laughed, 'no, wait! It makes sense now! Mike Verdez is the bottom in the relationship!'.

The others laughed again, as though it was all they were good for.

'Shut the hell up, Mark! I'm not even going after him!' Mike slumped in his seat, deciding it best for him if he didn't. Although, Jay's friends had long gone to comfort their friend, doing what Mike was to a afraid to do.

'Mike, you gay ass chicken, go comfort your boyfriend, he's obviously sad that his boyfriend isn't good in bed,' Mark only continued throwing insults.

Mike's anger snapped and from across the table he leaned in to punch Mark in the nose.

'What the hell!'

Mark swung back, going around the table to get a better hit at Mike. Due to anger, Mike became more powerful, and hit Mark over and over. Punches thrown, fists making contact. Mark's nose bled and his eye was bruised.

'Mike! Stop!' A teacher yelled. She grabbed onto his arm and pulled Mike away from Mark, 'come with me! Get Mark to a hospital, his nose might be broken!'

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