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~ He stepped down, trying not to look at her, as if she were the sun. Yet he saw her, like the sun, even without looking ~ Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina

He didn't expect this from her, she didn't even think she would do it.

Ji-hyun could feel the sweat coating the back of her neck, her clammy hands pressed up against his chest. He groaned as he held her waist, aware of the close proximity between the two. She felt like she was breathing through a straw as her brain desperately tried to send signals to her body to just move. A low chuckle resonates through his body and she feels a gnawing sense of ennui, she's quivering in his arms, trying to figure out how on earth to move her body, and he laughs? Ji-hyun would be more annoyed if she could find it in herself to deny that it was one of the best things she's heard all year.

He turns her around, yet swiftly latches onto her surprised form before she stumbles. Wrapping his arms around her, he rests his head upon her shoulder and allows himself to gaze upon her figure in the mirror right in front of them. She sighs, she couldn't understand why, but she felt a sense of equanimity wrapped up in his arms.



"Maybe we should stop, I don't think I'm quite ready for this"

"Ji-hyun, it's just a dance. The boys won't laugh at you, and it's only been half an hour, they would understand why you haven't perfected every move."

She searches around the room for her hoodie, suddenly conscious of her body in the loose top she chose to wear, the straps feeling as though they could slip off her shoulders too easily. Detaching herself from Hoseok, she slips her hoodie on and breathes a sigh of relief. When she agreed to watch the boys dance, she didn't know that they would all want her to join in. After all, if you don't have rhythm, then she really felt that it would be extremely difficult to find a way to keep in time with the music. Perhaps she would find dancing as easy as she used to, if she actually focused on the music playing instead of blocking everything out. Ji-hyun doesn't dance anymore, and it was silly of her to think she could become friends with the boys who's lives revolve around all the things she avoids.

Yet another terrible decision, after agreeing with yoongi, she decided not to cause a scene and merely allowed Hoseok to drag her through to the dance studio opposite the rest of the group as he insisted on teaching her their latest routine.

It only took her ten minutes to become tired of Hoseok's constant need to bloviate. Then it took another ten minutes to give in and attempt to move, until finally by the end of it all, she realised Hoseok was actually a really nice guy. He managed to make her feel like she was drowning in her own happiness, it was euphoric and Ji-hyun wanted to spend a lot more time with Hoseok. However, she knew she couldn't. It wasn't in her nature to be so friendly, so talkative. This fantasy of peace inside her had to end quickly, and the longer she stayed with him in the room, the more reality was a distant memory.

"We can head back to the others, but know that I think you dance beautifully for someone that seems so trapped inside themselves." It was barely a whisper, and he didn't intend to upset her, but she felt herself stiffen against her better judgement and walked out of the room. Ji-hyun was never able to handle people seeing her. The words Hoseok spoke were so honest, so caring that she wanted to distance herself from every emotion she had discovered in the last few hours.

He followed, of course.

"Ji-hyun!! You haven't seen us dance yet, so if you would like, we could show you one and then all go out for something to eat?" Yoongi had such a hopeful look in his eyes the second she walked into the room, that she could never reject him.

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