Let's Play a Game

Start from the beginning

The guy in front me faces me and speaks.

"Let me just say that yellow looks amazing on your skin. Mmm..." He moans as he closes his eyes.

"The way your melanin glowed in the sun and those thighs. I would lov-!" I interrupt his mental porno and put my hands up in defense as he began to walk toward me.

It clicked. They had been watching us since the beach.

"Umm sir, who the hell are you and what do you want with us?" I asked while looking at Keisha who looked uncomfortable and scared.

The guy in front of her kept grabbing his dick through his pants while licking his lips and blowing kisses at her.

"To be honest love. You're just at the wrong place at the wrong time. We came for Chrissy but we found you two." He waved his fingers pointing at us.

"I guess it's our lucky day." He and the other guy laughs.

I look at the entrance of door and see it's still open. Keisha was the closest. I glanced at her. She was thinking the same thing. I picked up the lamp next to me and threw it at the guy.

"Run! Run Keisha!" I yell as she sprints out the door. The guy gets up and runs after her.

I'm stuck. With him.

Chrissy's POV

"What if I don't want to play your stupid game?" I questioned.

"Then, I'll just start hacking you right now!" He yells as he takes the scalpel and jams it in my thigh.

"Argh!!! Fuck!!!" I scream as warm tears flood my eyes.

My breathing gets heavy. My heart is pounding uncontrollably.

He motions to stabs me again. When I raise my hand up informing him I'll play.

"Okay. Okay...how do you know me?!" I ask panicking while the blood rushes out of my leg.

He smiles.

"Oh I don't...I know of you!" He answers.

That doesn't help me decipher his motives. I go to my next question.

"Are you working alone?"


"Who else is here? What are their names?"

He smirks.

"My partner Giovanni Luciani and his brother Johnny Luciani." He replies.

"And I'm sure they're enjoying Naomi and Keisha's company right about now." He states.

I turn my face up and just start crying uncontrollably. I start to hyperventilate. I don't want anything to happen to them. God please help us!

Keisha's POV

I ran throughout the upstairs and I'm in a room hiding in the closet. My dumbass. Out of all the places, and you pick the fucking closet. I questioned myself. He walks in the room and I can see him through the open panels of the closet. I'm holding my hand over my mouth and trying to slow down my breathing. He scans the entire room and looks in the direction where the closet is.

I search for a weapon while patting the area down in the dark. I find something. As I move my hands around the item I discover that it's an umbrella. I hold on tight as he's reaching for the door handle.

He swings the door so hard that the force breaks the hinge off the right side. I take the pointy end of the umbrella and use it to hit him in the groin. He kneels screaming while holding his dick.

I jump over him to run and he grabs my leg bring me down. He climbs his way up my back. He grabs a fist full of my hair and uses it as support to bang my head against the floor.

I'm leaking. Blood everywhere.

"You dumb bitch!" He screams as he picks me up with one hand and tosses me on the bed.

I grab the covers and ball them up as I scoot all the way back to the headboard. The more space I can put between us the better.

He gives me a deadly stare as he stands in front of the footboard and begins to unbuckle his belt. He never breaks eyes contact with me.

"No! Please!!!"I plead while crying because I knew what was coming next.

He steps on the bed so that he's standing over top of me. He reaches down and grabs the covers. I begin to kick him anywhere on his body to get him away from me. He looks deranged.

"No!!!" I scream pulling at the covers trying to get away.

He straddles me and rips my shirt off. He starts to kiss me. He bites my neck.

"Ahh...GET OFF OF ME!!" I continue to struggle underneath him.

He slaps me.

"Shut the fuck up. Or I'll go through the back way." He says giving a devilish grin while slapping my ass.

He rips my bra off and my breast just spills out the top of my body. He grabs my right breast roughly and starts to suck on my nipple. Biting it hard. He pulls my bottoms off and is digging in his pants.

I'm still fighting for him to get off of me. He has my hands pinned with one arm. He moves my panties to the side and brings his head down to the opening of my vagina. He licks it and suck my private area and bites the inside of my thigh while breaking skin causing me to bleed. I'm crying uncontrollably.

He pulls out his dick and spreads my legs apart.

Just as the tip was about to enter I see a Garrote wire come over his head and attach to his neck. As he kneels to the floor struggling for air, Sal rises.

Sal crosses the handles to the wire and then snaps the guy's neck.

His body drops to the floor. Dead.

I'm laying on the bed shaking in pain, bleeding from my thigh and naked. In front of him. Again.

I look at him crying because I'm terrified and so confused. He comes to the side of the bed and reaches for me and I jump. I know he just saved me but I didn't know if I could trust him. Just not to long ago I was his captive and I was unsure of his intentions.

He scans my body and his face saddens. He leans down and gentle picks me up and carries me out the room. I hold on to him tight like a baby because in this moment, I only felt safe with him.


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