Pls Let Me Reach Your Hand

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( As Rey Aspires to Hold the hand of his heart connection, there is one struggle that he should experience which is he should discover the name of his heart connection, who could that person be, How can Rey know who she is?)

( Inside Heaven's scape of curiosity )

Divine Presence: Rey, do ya wanna follow the footsteps of that chicboy's leadership?

Rey: Of course not....

Divine Presence: Then how come you are not following your heart?

Rey: How could you say that? I met someone not knowing her name but despite that I loved her, more than myself, to the point that I want that to be a secret..... coz I don't know her name...

Divine Presence: There is no love that can be kept secret, ya know that right?

Rey: Do you want me to look like I'm crazy? In love with a person who knows me very well but...

Divine Presence: But what?

Rey: .......

Divine Presence: You stopped speaking, you can't get angry when it comes about her then...

Rey: What is her name Lord???? Is this my punishment for....

Divine Presence: Why would I punish you? Rey....

Rey: I don't know.....

Divine Presence: Well, what would you wish then about how you want to be with her?

Rey: My greatest wish about that would be, I would support however she wants to be with me....

Divine Presence: Do you want me to help you regarding that...

Rey: Yeah.........

( Inside Marshmallow Heaven Haven Scape )

Heart Connection of Rey: Hmmm

Divine Providence: Hello, Rey's Heart Connection......

Heart Connection of Rey: I kinda believe that Rey Doesn't know my name, am I correct?

Divine Providence: Yes, sadly.....

Heart Connection of Rey: Yeah, I really wanna be with him but I'm either shy or ya know.... I'm a girl so this feeling is kinda natural....

Divine Providence: Whatever action or anything ya wanna do with him, I support it, however, make sure that you make him happy, no matter how simple you do it, that could make him loyal to you..... Understood???

Heart Connection of Rey: Sure.....

Divine Providence: Man... Heart Connection these days, its kinda new to the society...

Heart Connection of Rey: Thank you Lord....

( Can Rey reach the hand of his heart connection and discover her name through heart connection?? )

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