A True International Elite

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Here is The Mission and Vision of Students who are honored as a True International Elite

Mission: We aspire to inspire the people around us. Whoever enrolls in our school are welcome, may they have a bad past, a glorious wonder of past, even people with depression. Our Mission is to make each family member of the school the essence of a true family

Vision: We have a vision of our students who aspire to be A True International Elite. We nurture the potential of each students. The Law of Karma shall be the essence of judgment for each disciplinary action of each family member. However, despite using the Law Of Karma, we still strive to make each other a true family.

10 Commandments of A True International Elite

1. Be A Humanitarian

2. Strive for perfection to be an international Elite.

3. Use Your Time Wisely

4. Know the Budget of Time to Balance academics and extra-curricular activities. Students who focus on extra-curricular activities rather than academics shall be deported to the academic department for extra lessons. However, if extra lessons are not enough, Those students shall be kicked out of extra-curricular activities and shall rather focus on academics.

5. When Free Time inside the School, good children can explore in the campus, but never disrupt classes.

6. Honor thy family through reaching an award that can make thy alma mater proud.

7. Focus on Thy Academics

8. Say No To Public Display of Affection inside School, Inside school Forever shall be learned through academics. The Best Moral Support of School is Academics not Love Life. The True Meaning of Forever is learned in academics that can be forever inside the power of the Mind. For Academic Purposes, Pls Promise to each academics that their is forever learning process.

9. Each Student shall strive to be a good role model of a true international Elite.

10. Anywhere inside or outside the campus, pls take note that each students shall be international elites, whatever they do from here on out, the mark of international elite is having family instincts. A True International Elite can carry any tasks to provide for thy family.

A True International Elite Motto

" We Strive to treat each other as human"

Thinking of A True International Elite

We treat each other as family with Diversity and Team Work. We, Family strive to nurture each potential. As A Family, we never care about the past of each student, we don't care if people have different religions, we don't care if people have different Gods and Goddess, What We Care About is To Nurture the Potential of Each International Elites of the Next Generation. There is no such thing as a failure that can define humanity. We Laugh and Learn at our mistakes, coz history teaches as the Best Ethics of Life, that is law of the self. The Law of The Self is being a humanitarian inside the family. "Treat each other as family" shall be our greatest asset.

"Mark of an International Elite"

An International Elite,

is so Sweet,

Love each other as family,

Give Love willingly.

Give Love,

Receive Love,

Protect each other as family,

like the best humanitarian family.

A Family shall learn to protect,

never to dissect,

the essence of love,

nurturing each other through love.

The Best Diplomacy,

is to love like a family,

An International Elite,

It's like family, so sweet.

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