International Game Surprise

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( This part of the story is dedicated to the international Audience, I Lucirey Michael had a thesis which I researched which supports the Flow Theory. The Flow Theory is stated by Mihaly Csikzentmihalyi, My Thesis Title is named, "Positive Perception of Online Gaming to Junior and Senior High School Students". The Theory states that when people are in the "State of Flow", Or what is so called "The Zone", people in that state goes beyond their limits, may it be inside online gaming or real life gaming. Senses inside those kind of games are enhanced which can be the asset of the wannabee international leaders. Although most gamers undergone depression and wishes to be a professional gamer rather than studying. I, Lucirey Michael, and my wannabees, wishes to be a multi-media arts and I have no idea what my wannabees want for their course at their desired passion but, I aim to cure depression through my way of acknowledgement, and when I take masteral of Multi-Media Arts, I shall enhance the theory of Mihalyi Csiksentmihalyi. I Shall continue the legacy of that Positive Psychologist to conquer worldwide depression, through being a "Multi-Media Artist". Professional Gamers can be anyone who aspires people to enhance their potential, and also not to be afraid of being themselves. The Motto of Mihalyi Csikzentmihalyi through his theory of flow, is for worldwide positive mindset that is learned through gaming that could be applied in real life.)

( Inside Celestial Base of Wonder )

Archangel Lucifer: Hmm, It's time, my reign of being the king of games, shall once again enter the world.

Archangel Lucirey Michael: I shall be the Divine peace keeper of angels and demons

Archangel Michael: My Time has come to nurture wannabee angels all over the world.

( The International Game Surprise is happening all over the world, The International Game that is the Dream of Mihalyi Csikzentmihalyi is already happening, Lucirey Michael wannabees, are preparing for the coming of worldwide gaming that can cure depression. Lucirey Michael is the director and mood of the world through being the Divine Peace Keeper of Angels and Demons. Can The Lucirey Michael wannabees aspire to be full of love, despite wanting to cure International Depression?)

Who Can Stop me?

Who can really be me?

I'm serious when Im in the zone!

Never stop me when I am in the zone!

When I am inside the state of flow,

my emotions overflow,

Take Me Seriously when I smile,

I enjoy challenges and I also smile,

Challenge me and tempt me towards being in the zone,

No One can beat me when my enemies force me towards my zone,

Enter my zone,

I dare you, and let's test which is the best zone

I am an International Positive Gamer!

Challenge me, All Gamers

Be Inside your zone! every gamer,

lets see who could be the best gamer,

I enjoy every challenge,

win or lose, I still enjoy the challenge,

I love playing games,

although I aspire to have an international name.

Let's all be in the state of flow,

like emotions overflow,

I am serious when I am in the zone,

Don't tempt me, coz if you do, I would be in the zone

I apply the center line theory which is learned in Wing Chun,

When I play basketball, It's like the psychic Wing Chun,

When I am in the zone, I apply Wing Chun

When you are not balance, then Its a win for Wing Chun

When I am inside the zone,

don't tempt me when you are not balance and you are in my zone,

you already lost,

people who lose their balance when challenging me, is declared as lost.

I apply the center line theory at each game,

may it be online game or real life game,

When my opponents are not balanced,

that means they lose because they lose their sense of balance.

Center Line Theory has the essence,

balance of essence,

stay balance when I am in the zone,

I can smile if you are balance inside my zone!

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