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( This are The Family Principles of The Family of Lucirey Michael, that peeps should heed on, however, One Rule could be expounded on 20 Commandments, that rule is "PROTECT MARSHMALLOW CUTENESS OF HUMANITY THAT COULD LEAD THY WORLD". If people ponder about that one rule, let me ask you all readers, Can anyone look cute during Marshall Law? Of Course, family would and always protect anyone who is cute so that cuteness overload of humanity SHALL NEVER DIE! )



2. Follow thy Heart and know each rules of humanity.

3. Abide the law of humanity, and know how to protect despite being a law abiding citizen.

4. Respect the superiors anywhere around you, coz those superiors can protect you depending on how you respect them.

5. There are no shortcuts on education, however, learning  how to take care of people who are close to you is a separate learning towards education.

6. Know how to question superiors with utmost sincerity and respect.

7. RESPECT IS ALWAYS A NUMBER 1 RULE, knowing how to respect one's self, is a basic fundamental of self defense, and also the best fundamental of Martial Arts Defensive Manuever.

8. Knowing how to fight with brute words and arrogance is a cowards' way of self defense coping mechanism, although, bullying people makes people learn how to defend themselves, in every martial artist history, its natural for martial artist to be kicked out, or self drop out, however, if that person who is kicked out or self dropped out, learned the best Martial Arts Defense Coping Mechanism, Any School would be proud of that person's learning towards yearning to protect anyone coz of experience that tried to destroy. To Put in simple words "SELF DEFENSE IS NEVER LEARNED THROUGH VISUAL PERCEPTION BUT ON REALIZATION ON YEARNING TO PROTECT THE POTENTIAL OF ANYONE"

9. NEVER SELF DESTRUCT JUST COZ OF DEPRESSION, Learn to protect one's self and you could protect anyone in the world.

10. Any Bloodline either carriers a cure or a curse, however, God is the Best Father of the Whole Wide World, There is never such a thing put on humanity as a curse, although, Test of Faith, is inevitable, Being Cute despite having a cure or curse is the best potential of a family bloodline. Learning how to smile during test of faith makes God, The Father, Happy with utmost sincerity.

11. Never Crush people with Potential who are cute like Marshmallow, Protect them by being cute also and being proud of the family name.

12. Being Cute means not being ashamed of the family name.

13. Being Cute also and always shall be, passing marshmallow or the sacred torch to someone who can carry the family bloodline, and shall be the leader and co-leader of the family, kinda like a parental passing of the sacred torch or could also be described a Sacred Marshmallow of Cuteness!

14. A family that prays together stays together, A family that Treasures a pillow that could also be love, shall always be the reason of cherishing the forever pillow love of a family.

15. When a boy or girl, a young generation perhaps, loves someone, of course, through test of faith, determination, sincerity and respect are the top 3 core principles that can make any test of faith that can make TRUE LOVE SUCCESSFUL! Test of faith is like not crushing a Marshmallow, Determination is like a boy acting cute so that the girl could also be motivated, sincerity is a step by step moderation of Love in any relationship, goes towards the meaning of forever

16. Superiors who strive to protect humanity shall always do what they can to protect the Marshmallow potential of humanity.

17. In Terms of Education, Of Course, From before till today, Education shall always and shall ever be, protect the potential of Humanity. The Motto of Educational System is "EDUCATIONAL CREDIBILITY ATTAINMENT is reaching a Diploma in College, although like love it's a step by step process, Credibility shall always be measured through seeing a diploma in any workforce, through Credibility Test, Anyone who strive to work for whatever particular, Education shall and always shall be the reason of salvation of humanity.

18. Love is like making many Marshmallows, learning how to make marshmallows, can make people learn how to handle kids, learn to know how to handle the cuteness of children, and learn how to protect the potential of humanity through kids and anyone at all.

19. Technological Innovation can also protect anyone, for Safety and Security, Technology can be trusted although, there shouldn't be too much trust issue on technology, Technological Innovation is like our ancestors made baby which turned out to be Technology. Technology can protect anyone, although it depends on the perception of humanity on Technology

20. Marshmallow is like love that can make any family stay together, going towards the meaning of forever, and forever shall pray like a family together whenever.

( This is The Principles and Perception of Don Rene passed on over Baby Boomers, Can Lucirey Michael's wannabees still carry the Principles and Perception of Protection? )

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