chapter 12 | Do you mind if I date her?

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I'm drunk as heck

"Do you feel trapped? Or do you feel like u regret something really great so now you feel.. tra.." I continued drinking.

People in the bar were just listening to me.

"This girl is heart broken" one person said.

"I am niottt! Alright, I'm going home" I said.

"I hold 2 beers and I'm happy!" I was singing a song that I don't even know if it exists or not.

I drink more and more, I was half way to my house.

U fell and layed down for a while.

I felt sad and heavy.

Then a familiar voice...

"Key?.." i murmured.

"Let's go home." Taemin said.

I blacked out and woke up in the hospital.

"Why am I here?" I asked taemin.

"You weren't waking up when I tried waking u up so I rushed you here." Taemin said.

"Y/n, be honest with me, are you sad about your whole situation with key?" Taemin asked.

"Isn't it obvious? Key is like my best friend and now even if he doesn't tell me, I know he's avoiding me." I said.

*Taemin's phone rings*

(It's key)

"How is she?" Key asked through phone.

"She's fine." Taemin said.

The phone ended.

"Was that key?" Y/n asked.

"Isn't it obvious?" Taemin said in a serious tone.

"Are you mad?" I asked. He sighs and went through his phone like I wasn't talking to him.

I stood up and got his attention.
"Where are you going?" Taemin asked.

"Fresh air." I left him and went on the lobby.

Taemin's Pov
I'm not dumb, I know she can just easily replace me with key.

Because I know I'm not the one for her.

How stupid am I to believe that I can change her feelings.

I decided to talk to key since key came. He was just hiding around the hospital.

"So.. what's ur plan, obviously the reason why she got drunk in the first place was because of you." I said.

"..... " Key stared at the floor.

"I honestly can't face her. Knowing that I played with her feelings and decided to be her last date just so she can like me back." Key said.

"We were wrong for each other right from the start. She knows that. But I want to be with her. But I guess Nancy can help me through this. I will just depend on her. I can't do this alone." Key said, looking very vulnerable.

"I liked her key. I actually liked her. You can't be the one for her but guess what. I think she has feelings for you. Even from the start. She knows you too well to know ur trying to distance urself so please...I don't want anything bad to happen to her." Taemin said.

"I should talk to her?.. then what? Tell her I was playing with her?" Key said.

"You will never know her response until you actually get to talk to her." Taemin said. Taemin then left and went back to y/n's room.

Y/n was in the lobby and key didn't know that. so eventually y/n saw key walking and ...

Y/n's POV
He came but.. left anyways.

Key saw me.

He went closer slowly with his serious face.

"I'm just gonna be honest with you." Key said.

This is making me nervous and hurt at the same time.

"I planned the whole date my friends and told them to make their dates with you very lowkey so you wouldn't wanna date them. I also planned to be your 5th date so you would instead like me out of all of them. I played with your feelings. Decided to be selfish." Key said.

"You can slap me if you want." Key said.

"... I like you. And I kind of figured out that my 5th date would be you. But that didn't hurt me. What hurted me the most was when you ignored all my calls and messages. The fact that I could have lost you as a whole and you'll be gone in my life forever. That scared me the most. If I didn't got hit that time I was dating taemin. You probably became my 5th date. But no, instead you blamed yourself and left." I said.

"You almost died." Key argued.

"But it was never your fault" I replied.

"If you will always leave me like this just because something bad happened. How will us work?" I said.

"I guess.. we will never work." Key said.

"Yeah, I guess so too." I left him and went back to my room.

I saw taemin still on his phone.

We talked things through.

We eventually called it quits.

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