unstable // k. bakugou

Start from the beginning

bakugou katsuki stood near the entrance, taking off his hood and shaking out the rain droplets from his hair. his crimson eyes scanned the small convenience store, and he made his way close to where you were.

not wanting to be seen, you quickly grabbed a few bottles of water from the cooler and beelined it to the cash register.

"haven't seen you in over a week," the shop owner said as he rung up your items. "thought you moved."

your eyes flitted to his for a moment. "nope. still here." you scanned the magazine shelf, eye catching on a certain cover and your blood running cold.

"nightshade, the nature hero, where has she gone?"

somewhere no one will find her.

"that'll be five thousand yen," he said.

you nodded and passed over the money, grabbing your items while you forwent the change.

you stumbled out of the convenience store with your hood pulled low, heart beating wildly in your chest. bakugou katsuki had stood not five feet from you just one minute ago. you could smell the sweet, burnt caramel scent that followed with his quirk, hear his tutting as he looked over the items in the shop. it was too close for comfort, and--

bakugou walked right past you, and his shoulder just barely skirted past your own. once more, you could smell burnt caramel, the scent catching in your throat and reminding you of better times. you stared after the blond; he continued on his way, not giving you a second glance.

thunder crashed, and you broke from your trance.

you shivered in the cold, harsh wind, the yuuei hoodie not providing the same warmth it had when you first walked out the front door. rain had completely drenched your figure, and the clothes hung from your body like a catsuit, the water making them stick like glue. perhaps a bath would warm you up when you got home, if you had the energy.

"three goddamn months, " a voice called, "since you fucking disappeared."

you looked up, a deer in headlights as your heart dropped in your chest.

bakugou stood against a wall of another shop, his calculating crimson eyes watching you carefully. "so this is where you've been? you look like shit, plant girl."

"i'm fine," you replied.

he scoffed. "like hell you are."

you stared back at him in defiance. "i am. so... so just leave me alone, forget you ever saw me."

the corner of his mouth twitched. "i don't fucking think so. have you seen yourself?"

"i'm doing just fine!" you shouted, voice cracking midway.

bakugou took a few steps closer to you, and you flinched as he brought his hand up to your face. his palm hovered slightly beside your cheek, and his scowl deepened.

"you expect me to fucking believe that shit when you look like such shit?"

lightning lit up the skies, the light flashing across your faces. his, a frown everpresent on his lips, crimson eyes narrowed, jaw set hard. yours, eyes wide, mouth ajar, cheeks red from fever and embarrassment.

"nothing to say for yourself?" he asked.

you scowled, clenching your jaw hard. "i'm just fine."

"yeah, keep fucking telling yourself that," bakugou replied. "where's your apartment?"

taken aback for a moment, you hesitated. "wh-what?"

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