Chapter Twenty

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Hadley's POV

It's been two days since I told everyone that I'm going to die. The new moon is tonight. Tonight I'm going to die. Tonight my life will end. Everything will be over. "Haddy, can we talk?" Florence says walking up to me.

"No," I whisper getting angry at myself. I've been wanting to talk for him for two days but he hasn't came up to talk to me. Now he finally does and say I won't. "I can't, Florence."

"Well I'm going to anyways," he replies. "Hey I understand your mad at me. I need you to know that I love you. I don't want you to leave me, but I know you have to," he sings, "I wish things were different and we could be together. But now I know that I must let you go. I will say goodbye to you. But I must let you go. Letting go is hard to do. It's what I must do. We only met a few months ago. But it feels like I've known you all my life. My heart is broken to let you go. Now I must let you go. Life is going to be sad without you. But I know you must go. I need you to know that I I love you. I don't want you to leave me, but I know you must go."

Tears were streaming down his face when I finally had the courage to look at his eyes. I feel my heart breaking because of it. I don't know how death is going to feel. If I feel how I felt when I died in the night terror I don't think I'm going to want to live. Sure I've died once but I lived. "Florence," I whisper, "I love you to, but you know I have to go."

"Haddy, I know," he whispers pulling me into a hug, "I know that you have to go. I just don't want you to die hating me. Life was worth it. Meeting you and knowing you, helps the pain not feel as bad as it does."

"If you never stole that fanapple, then I wouldn't have met you," I say with a laugh.

"Hey, I feel in love with you when I first met you," Florence explains, "and it wasn't for your looks. I feel in love with your personality. The way you stood up to Gerdad. The way you fought Luke. The way you wouldn't let me die even though I took that fanapple. All that helped me fall in love with you. I'm not saying that you're not beautiful because you are. I'm saying that your personality is big enough to fill this planet and more."

"Your funny, sweet, crazy at times, creative, can be deadly, strong mentally and physically, brave, loving, and kind. I don't know where I would be without you. I would still probably be sucking up to Gerdad. We took him down and won the fight. He never got ahold of the Jewel or you."

"Florence, I'm speechless," I reply as tears start streaming down my face. I can't leave them feeling empty and sad. I can't leave them to fight Gerdad by themselves. I can't leave them at all. "I'm not leaving you guys. I'm going to make it through this. I'm going to survive. I'm going to have a life full of adventure."

Kamryn's POV

I see the boy, Florence, hugging her. Now is the time I make my move. Jefferson should be working on killing Jenna, but I need to kill Hadley. I walk quietly up to were they are standing and rip the Blade of Stars of Hadley. It's time to get revenge for what she made Gerdad do. I can't let my brothers death be for nothing. I need to kill her. "Who are you?" Hadley yells.

"Here I'll give it back," I laugh wickedly pointing the dagger at Hadley, "After I stab you with it."

Hadley's eyes turn dark and fill with anger. She puts her hand and quietly demands, "Give it back or else."

"No," I say smirking, "you can't have it back. If it wasn't for you my brother, Gerdad wouldn't be dead."

"Wait he's dead?" Florence questions, "better question. Your his sister."

"Yes now back off so I can kill her," I yell.

Hadley reaches her hand out and the dagger tries returning to it. I pull back as hard as I can trying not to let go. "I'm going to take my dagger back and your going to leave," she growls, "or I will kill you."

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