Chapter Seven

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Author's Note. The picture above is what I imagine the characters are like that are up against Hadley and them.
Hadley's P.O.V

He told me he loved me. I don't know how to reply to him. How do you reply to someone that says they love you? My life is to complicated for my own sake. I am the one who kissed him so what did I except to happen. For everything to be the same probably. I don't know how why I thought though. My life has always been complicated and always will be because I am the rightful heir to the planet. Plus I'm connected to the stupid Jewel. "I love you too," I whisper hugging him.

We walk back to everyone else to see they've already had camp set up. I went over to Lizzy since she is the person who convinced me to go and talk with Florence. "Hey, Liz," I whisper, "How you and Forest doing?"

"We aren't going to talk about me," she whispered back, "we are going to talk about why you are so happy."

"Well because I admit something to day that I never thought I would be able to admit," I said, "I admitted it to Florence."

"Seriously," she yells, "you seriously did that."

"Yeah," I mumble, "I did."

She jumps up and hugs me. She starts jumping up and down. "I think I'll be able to do it," she giggles, "I think I'll be able to admit it to him."

She runs off into the direction she last saw Forest. Well I guess I know what she is going to do now. She's going to admit her feelings to Forest and he won't see it coming. She might not be able the courage to tell him her true feelings but she still will tell him something like her feelings.

CaDence's P.O.V

Turns out that following J&R are harder to follow than you would think. If I didn't find one every 20 feet then I needed to turn around and go a different direction. I don't understand how Regan could do this without going crazy. I've been doing it for five days and I've only found six of the J&R. I don't even know how many are out there. I find the next one in a matter of minutes. I think there is a pattern that Jacin was using to make it easier to find him but I haven't figured it out yet. I'm getting ready to rest when I hear voices close by. One of them sounds like the Hadley girl. I run towards the voice. I look around the corner to see Hadley and a boy walking away. I need to follow them, I think to myself, they must be heading back to Luke and them. I run after them keeping distance away from them so they don't know that I'm falling them. They walk into a open area where five other people are standing. I see Luke talking to some kid with blonde hair and blue eyes. I need to talk to him without anyone else around, because I don't know what they will do if I just walk up into the camp asking to talk to Luke. For all I know they could try to kill me. I wait there until the sundown and everyone is laying down trying to go to sleep. I walk into camp up to Luke since he is laying away from everyone. "Hey you," I whisper poking him in the back.

"Who are you?" he growls turning around to face me. When he see's me his face softens. "What is your name? What are you doing here?"

"My name is CaDence and I'm here because I think I like you."

Evony's P.O.V

Running the Reject Tribe isn't as easy as I thought it would be. Taking control of a tribe with over 500 people is really hard. No wonder Owen and them left the tribe. I'm debating about splitting the tribe up into sections and leaving some people to lead it. I only have a few people I can trust though to lead sections of the tribe. I can only trust Sam, Calise, Conrad, Melany, and Kayla. Which I barely trust them. "Evony, are you sure you want to split the tribe up and let us lead some parts," Kayla asks me.

"I've never been so sure in my life," I whisper, "we each need to about 83 people to make the tribe sections even. If we do that it should be easier to run the tribe that way. We'll probably have a council meeting once a month. If that works with you guys."

"Good that works with us," they all reply.

There I have it, I think to myself, I've made my life easier to control the tribe. I don't have to keep track of 500 people by myself. All I have to do is keep track of about 83 people and I'll be good with that because it is easier on me that way. "I already got who I want in mind," Kayla yells, "if that works for all you guys."

"That works with us just as long as they aren't all the really good fighters," Sam mumbles, "because I'll like to train with the kids I've been training with."

"I don't really want any of the good fighters," Kayla mumbles. "I'll actually take all the trouble makers."

"Thank the stars," Melany yells, "I didn't want any of the trouble makers."

"Me either," the rest of us reply besides Melany and Kayla.

"Good," Kayla says, "all I want are the trouble makers. The only good person I want is Jefferson."

"Fine by us if you keep the trouble makers," I announce, "so, Sam, you want the kids you've been training with. Melany, who do you want?"

"I'll take whoever left over from after you guys choose," Melany whispers.

"Melany will take the leftovers," I say, "Conrad and Calise, who do you guys want? I know you guys will probably choose to combine the ones you guys get since you are siblings."

"We'll take some medics, fighters, and the girls Calise have been training," Conrad announces, "if that works for you guys."

"That works for everyone," I yell, "this meeting is over. We will split into the five separate tribes next week."

Kayla's P.O.V

My name really isn't Kayla and I am not on the good side. My plan is to hunt down my old tribe and join them. I plan to tell them how to destroyed this planet. No one on here deserves to live so why don't we just kill them all. Make all our misery end. My real name is actually Kamryn and I want to destroy this planet and everyone on it. To many people have wronged me and people are just going to wrong me until everyone has. Why not just end the planet and everyone on it to save me the trouble of no one ever wronging me? End everyone's life by just destroying the Chosen. Easily said as easily it will be done. I might die at the end of it but I don't really care if I die. I am not afraid of death and I won't ever be. Let it come and take me. I will save everyone the trouble of suffering just by ending the planet. It is as easy as that. Let Death come and take us all. "Dear Kenna, give me the courage and fire to destroy this planet," I whisper walking out of the meeting, "and let no one stop me from completing the task you started, mother."

I feel a surge of energy and fire course through my body. I feel renewed now and that my life has everything it needs. Time for the destruction to begin.

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