Chapter Fifthteen

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Owen's POV

I can't let Forest hurt my baby sister again. Seeing her hurt hurts me. I can't let Forest hurt her again. "Come on just let me talk to her," Forest begs, "I swear I don't want to hurt her. I never want to see hurt again."

"Forest, you can not talk to her," I whisper yell. Starting to get agitated that he won't just back down. "I just don't like her hurting and you seem to cause a lot of people to get hurt. I know who are after you. I could easily send them a message saying where you are."

"Please don't," he starts, "they will literally kill anyone that tries to help me or who have helped me. That means that they'll kill you, Hadley, Lizzy, Jacob, CaDence, Luke, Jacin, and Florence. They will kill all of them and then me. There's nothing that you, me, or Flana.  Meaning that we'll all be dead and then the planet to. You don't want that to happen do you? No. Then why don't ever tell them were we are."

"Fine, but your not talking to......."  A loud scream interrupts me before I could finish. I look towards the front not seeing Hadley there anymore. "Where's Hadley?"

"I don't know, she was there just a second ago," CaDence replies, "I swear she was."

"This cannot be happening," I yell out of frustration, "There are people out there that want her dead. For all we know she's dead."

"She can't die though," CaDence points out.

"She can," I scream, "That pendant around her neck is actually a dagger. That dagger is the only thing that she can kill with and die with. If she is stabbed with that dagger she's down for. She cannot be healed by the planet, the jewel, or even the star."

"Come on, kid, wake up," a girls voice yells, "Don't stop breathing on me. Come on wake up."

I start running towards the voice. Lets hope she has Hadley or I'm going to go insane. I turn around the tree to see a girl kneeling down next to Hadley holding her head. "Back away from my sister," Jacob demands.

I notice the girl's fiery red hair and piercing blue eyes. I just stare at her. Her tan skin isn't like any skin I've ever seen before. Almost as if she is a master at things. Her smooth sweet voice breaks my thoughts, "Your sister."

"Back. Away. From. Her." Jacob says in a deep voice.

"I'm just trying to help her," she replies staring Jacob straight in the eye. She looks almost as if she is challenging him. She's has a lot of courage to do that to Jacob. There's no way I would ever be able to do that. "I watched as she fainted from the trees. She dropped when she took this pendant up."

I look and see Hadley's pendant in the girls hands. It quickly changes into the dagger. The girl looks at it in interest. "PUT. THAT. DOWN." Jacob demands slowly walking towards her. He pulls out a dagger from his bag and takes a few steps closer to her.

"Why it's very interesting?" the girl says, "it's very nice. I think I might just keep it."

This girl must have a lot of courage. I'm starting to cower back from Jacob. He's scaring me. Jacob's eyes fill with fire. "Jacob, she's not going hurt Hads," I say, "I don't think she even wants to hurt her."

"I don't trust her," Jacob whispers. His voice filled with venom. "She's not our family and won't ever be. Back. Away. From. Her."

The girl brings the dagger down to Hadley's wrist. "What would you do if I cut her right here?" she whispers cutting Hadley's wrist. 

Hadley jolts awake screaming. Tears start sliding down her face. Where her wrist was cut it starts to turn black. "Wh-wh-whats happening to her?" the girl questions, "what did I-i-i do?"

"YOU IDIOT!!" Jacob screams trying to run towards the girl.

"Jacob, don't," I say, "she didn't know that would happen."

The girl had tears streaming down her face and was crying. She drops the dagger next to Hadley and looks up at us. "I'm sorry," she whispers. Her eyes full of pain, regret, and sorrow. "I didn't know that would happen."

She stands up getting ready to run for it but Hadley grabs her ankle with her good arm. "You didn't do anything wrong," Hadley whispers, "I knew that was going to happen. But it had to. I don't know what's happening but Owen will explain it. So just wait, please."

"Ummm... but I hurt you," she replies, "why would you want me to stay if I hurt you."

"Because of stupid destiny. Your suppose to be here," Hadley whispers even quieter, "you will make it up to us. Trust me, Jenna."

"Okay, well can someone explain please," the girl answers, "because I would like to know how she knows my name."

"Well it all begins with the stupid planet but we don't need to go over that part," I explain, "So a few months back my sister pushed destiny into motion with her begin the Chosen and everything but that story can wait. The one you really want to hear is why Hadley is going like that."

"The dagger you cut her with is called the Blade of Stars. That dagger is also the only thing Hadley can kill and die with. So when you cut her with it her body thought it was dying. Honestly I think the dagger has a poison on it that can only be used on Hadley. Well that poison is slowly killing her right now. With it killing her the Chosen will die along with the planet. Unless we figure out away to extract that poison from her blood stream. My brothers, sisters, and I are trying to return the planets Jewel thing. That Jewel will save the planet and everyone on it."

"The reason Hadley knows your name is more than likely from her night terrors. That for some odd reason always come true. Hadley will also not even remember this conversation once we finish it. The Blade of Stars will make her forget it for her safety or something along those lines. Forgetting it tell it's time for her to use it. Does that cover everything?"

"Ummm, no," Jenna replies, "why did you say brothers and sisters?"

"That is because I have two brothers and two sisters," I answer as everyone else comes into the clearing.

"What happened to Hadley's wrist?" Luke questions with a scold on his face.

"Well, funny story," I reply, "but we don't have time for that so could you like whip something up and heal it."

Luke's POV

Everyone starts heading towards the direction that Jacob and Owen ran towards. I hear Owen explaining the whole Hadley situation to someone. When I get around the trees I see Hadley holding her wrist to her chest crying while looking very confused. "What happened to Hadley's wrist?" I question with a scold on my face.

"Well, funny story," Owen replies, "but we don't have time for that so could you like whip something up and heal it."

"Hadley, was cut with the Blade of Stars," Jacob says his voice full of venom while he stares at some red head.

"Well I don't think we can heal that," I reply feeling fear spread throughout my body, "she's going to have to die."

The girl starts looking in between me, Lizzy, Jacob, Hadley, and Owen. She looks down at Hadley and pulls something off of Hadley's neck. Everyone is talking frantically while I just stare at what the red heads doing. Then I notice the pouch in her hand which contains the Jewel. I can't let her do this, I think to myself as I try to walk over to her. I try to move but can't.

The girl opens the pouch and dumps the star onto Hadley's wrist. Hadley sits there smiling at the girl. Hadley looks happy and freely lets the girl put the Jewel on her wrist. Once I see the Jewel hit her wrist I watch as the black fades away along with the cut. "Shut up!!" Hadley yells putting the star back into the pouch and returning it to her neck. "I'm perfectly fine."

I start thinking about how the girl knew that the Jewel would heal Hadley. How'd she do it? Then it hits me out of no where. Kenna told her.

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