Chapter Six

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Luke's P.O.V

I can't figure out what it is about the girl that tried to kill Hadley. She didn't seem that bad it's just that she tried to kill my little sister. I know I've tried to kill Hadley plenty of times but that was before I knew that she was my sister. I wouldn't have done it if I knew. I also know that I'm no better than her but I didn't have a choice. That girl had every chance to not try to kill her. She threatened Hadley and all I can think about is her eyes. Why can't I just be mad at the girl and not think about how beautiful she is? How her green eyes stare back at me? I don't even know her name and I'm falling in love with her. "Luke," Jacob yells, "we got to get moving, so stop messing around over there."

"Coming," I yell running up behind him, "Where's Hadley and Florence?"

CaDence P.O.V

"Cam!!" I yell.

"What?!?" he said sounding angry.

"Would you be fine if I left to go find someone?"

"Who would that someone be?"

"An old friend?"

"Yeah, that's a lie."

"Well, he might be an enemy and could possibly become a friend."

"Right you want to go find Luke."

He smirks when he says that like he knows that's who I want to find. I wish he wasn't so good at spotting lies. Well, I guess I kinda lie as he does. "Possibly."

"Fine by me if you don't ever try to kill me."

"I won't. Thanks.''

I hug him and go run off to go find Regan. Regan might be able to tell how to find them. Her brother did say that if she wants to come to find him that she knows how. I really hope she does. "CaDence!!" Regan exclaims, "I've been wanting to talk to you about the other day."

"I have a question first," I say.

"What's that?" she asks.

"Can you tell me how to find your brother and them so I can find Luke?" I ask.

"Yeah," she says, "Just follow the marking in the trees that will say J&R. That's how Jacin always makes it so I can find them. Now I guess we don't need to talk about the other day and what we talked about because now I know the answer."

"Thanks," I yell heading back to the direction that we came from.

"Good Luck!!" she screams as I am running into the forest to find him.

I guess I chose my side. I might've betread my brother but you know what he said I could and I've barely known him. I might actually have a chance to be happy and not in fear of being killed. Luke might also want to kill me but maybe I can explain to him why I did what I did.

Florence P.O.V

I finally have a chance to talk to Hadley without being surrounded by everyone. I might've messed up by kissing her but I think she finally realizes the feelings I have for her. "Hadley, I'm really am sorry," I whisper looking her in the eyes, "I didn't mean to kiss you."

"You didn't," she replies looking down to the ground, "I didn't even mean to run off that's the thing."

She didn't mean to run away from me after she did it, but why did she run. I might've just ruined any chance I had to be with her by apologizing to her. Why does my life have to be so complicated? My love for her has made it complicated. I had a perfectly normal unadventurous life going on until I met her. She might've ruined it but she showed me how to love someone. If it wasn't for her I would still be wasting away not experiencing anything and being bullied by Gerdad tribe. She has shown me adventure and death several times. I might've had a normal life that was boring before but I wouldn't trade anything if I had a chance to change if I never met her. I was brought out of my thoughts when Hadley brought her lips up and kiss me. She pulls away and looks away. Her cheeks flush red. "Hadley," I whisper, "I love you."

Gerdad's P.O.V

I and Aloisia have been spending every second together that we can. We haven't seen each other in years. When she did come and find me she says she still loves me and always have. I don't understand why she left me in the first place for that Jacin kid. Especially since he broke her heart. "Gerdad, how much longer is it 'til you turn 18 and have to give someone else leadership so we can see the world. I've already given up leadership of mine," she asks.

"Three days," I whisper pulling her in kissing her, "and I could actually leave right now because I already told all boys who will be taking my role as leader."

"Then why don't we do that," she whispers."

"Because that boy is going to bring me back the Chosen so we won't have to die," I reply, "there for it is important that we stay.'

"I like the idea of taking control of the planet so it can't kill us."

"Me too."

                                            Three Days Later

"Happy Birthday, Gerdad," Aloisia yells waking me up.

"Can't I sleep," I mumble sitting up. I felt sick and I don't understand why I feel sick though. My head is beating and my stomach felt like I ate poison. My whole body is sore and I'm super tired. "Aloisia, I don't feel good today," I whisper leaning over the bed puking put blood.

"No!!" she yells, "the planet is killing you before you even have kids." Tears start to fall down her face. She started punching the bed and then the wall. "It's going to kill you when I just got you back."

"You'll be okay," I whisper, "everything will be okay."

"No I won't," she cries, "I'm losing you."

"Fredik!" I yell, "bring me two vials of poison."

"Why do you need poison?" she asks.

"We will drink the poison at the same time," I explain, "so the planet won't be able to kill us."

Fredik comes in with two vials of poison and hands them to me. "Here you go, sir," he says, "Goodbye."

I hand one of the vials to Aloisia and keep one for myself. I open mine and say, "Are you ready?" 

"Yes," she whispers as we drink them. The world went dark and I fell in what felt like a deep slumber. I guess this is the end.

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