Chapter Nine

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Florence's POV

Hadley kissed me. I thought I scared her and she was mad at me, but no she just didn't know how to act around me. I sat there and wished that I didn't kissed her when she just didn't really know what to do. She was just scared to talk to me. Forest runs up to me out of breath. "I think I just made a mistake that I'm gonna regret," he whispers.

"What did you do?" I ask.

"I think I just told Lizzy I don't love her," he whispers as tears start to fill his eyes, "I did just tell her that I don't love her."

"Why?" I question. "Why'd you tell her you love her?"

"Because Jacin told me he loved her. I thought maybe she would be better off with him. I'm always finding trouble and people are always out to kill me."

Hadley's POV

"Lizzy, what's wrong?" I ask her walking up to her. Jacin sent me over here to talk to her but I don't know what about though. He said she's crying and she only wants to talk to me. I have a feeling of what Forest said to her is whats making her cry. "Lizzy, it's going to  be okay no matter what happens."

"Hads, Forest kissed me and ran away from me," she cries, "he ran after he kissing me. He doesn't love me back. Then Jacin came up and said he loves me. There's no way I could love Jacin I have to strong feelings for Forest that keep manifesting everyday."

"Lizzy, I will kill him personally for you. If you don't want him dead then I will hurt him."

"You can't hurt him. I love him to much to see him hurt."

"My advice for you is to tell Jacin you can't like him in the way he likes you. You are going to have to tell him you only think of him as a friend."

"But I don't want to hurt his feelings."

"Well what happened to the Lizzy that could fight anyone and then go and be happy? What happened to the Lizzy that went through pain to get to her family again? What happened the girl that would threaten someone in an instant to figure out where someone is? The girl that has the courage to risk her life for her little sister. The girl who almost died for her family. The girl that would die so her little sister to be happy. The girl who has lived on her own and was not afraid to hurt people. That girl would be able to tell someone what she thought and what she wanted. Find that girl and fight. Fight for love. Fight for strength. Most of all fight for happiness and to survive."

"I'm not that girl anymore."

"Then find her, Lizzy. Find the Lizzy that everyone needs. Find the Lizzy you need. Find yourself. Wipe away those tears, stand up, go tell Jacin how you feel, and tell Forest why you love him. Go and do what you want, fight the things that try to stop you, do what you need to do, and remember you need to fight to find yourself."

"Hads, that is what I need to do, but where do you start."

"Start where you know best. Start with what you know best."

"Thanks so much, Hads."

I did it. I made Lizzy pull herself together somehow and I don't know where any of it came from. Hadley, you know where it came from, Marnik whispers in my head, it's always been there. You just never realized it. It's what you are meant to do lead.

Lead? What does Marnik mean by that? What am I suppose to lead? I can't lead? I couldn't even figure out the correct way to go when Owen put me somewhere and told me to get back to him. How am I suppose to lead if I can't even do that? I'm different from everyone else on this planet. I have a twin. No one else has a twin. I have four older siblings, no one else does. Nothing adds up anymore. My life could all be a lie. Wait it already is a lie. Hadley, a voice laughs in my head, my sweet sweet daughter. Would you like to cause some trouble, chosen?

"Hads, whats wrong?" Owen asks walking this way.

What do you mean by chosen? Who are you? I ask back in my head.

I'm the mother of fire, Kenna, most importantly your mother. You are the chosen. You're meant to heal the planet and become the Queen until you die. You don't have a choice. It's that or the planet...

Before she could continue Owen interrupts, "Hadley, wake up. Come on, Hads, don't listen to her. It's all just a lie."

I open my eyes and see Owen kneeling next to me while Florence holds me in his arms. "Haddy, are you feeling okay?" Florence concerns.

"Haddy?" I question.

"Tryin' out some nicknames for you, Ley," he mumbles in response.

"Well stop trying 'cause it you should just stick to Haddy," I whisper.

"Haddy,  how you doing?" Owen asks smirking.

"No you get to keep using Hads," I say, "only Florence gets to call me Haddy."

"How come?" Owen whines, "why does he get to call you Haddy only."

"Because he came up with it," I reply.

"Well I came up with Hads and everyone calls you it," Owen whispers.

"Sorry, Owen, but I came up with it," Lizzy yells a few feet away, "so I get all rights to it."

"Thanks, Lizzy," Owen mutters under his breath, "now I have to call her Hadley."

"Big bro, everyone can call me Hads," I whisper, "only Florence can call me Haddy though."

"No fair,'' Lizzy whines, "I came up with that one."

"He's called me it all my life though," I enter as I try to sit up. Only to fail and fall back to the ground. "Why do I feel so lightheaded? Who is Kenna and why does she say she's my mother?"

When I mention Kenna Luke, Owen,  and Jacob all freeze in place. I look up at them confused. "Don't worry about that," Jacob whispers. I look him in the eyes and see them full of anger. "Don't worry about Kenna."

"What does she mean by I'm the chosen?" I ask causing all heads to snap towards me. "What did I do wrong?"

"You are the what?" Luke says dangerously slowly. His eyes were full of unrecognizable emotion.

"I-I-I'm the Ch-ch-chosen," I stutter feeling fear spread throughout my body.

"How do you know that?" Owen hisses.

"Kenna told me," I whisper, "She told me a lot."

"I'm going to kill her," Jacob screeches, "I'm going to kill Kenna."

"What's going on and what does the Chosen mean?" I yell unable to contain my questions any longer, "What does Kenna want with me? Who is Kenna? Why does she think she's my mother? How come she wants me to cause trouble? What does she mean about me becoming Qu..."

Before I could finish Owen slams his hand over my mouth. "Do not even say that word," he whispers. His eyes were filled with hurt. "Don't ever say aloud. If it's not said it can't happen. If the planet never hears it will never control if it actually happens. I'm not going to lose my baby sister to this planet. It'll never happen."

"Owen, it won't happen," Jacob whispers pulling Owen close to him, "I won't let them take them again."

"What are you two talking about?" Lizzy and I question at the same time.

"Don't worry about it," Luke mutters holding his arm around CaDence. Wait CaDence? When did she get here. What is she doing here? Is she going to kill me.

"What's CaDence doing here?" I ask feeling the fear rise up in me again.

"She isn't here to kill you," Luke whispers, "she's here to help protect the planet."

"I won't kill you," she whispers with guilt in her eyes.

"It's fine," I whisper. "Why isn't anyone answering my questions?"

"Your questions have answers but it's not our place to tell you," Jacob whispers, "all we can tell you is not to tell anyone what Kenna is telling you."

"I will give you the truth," Kenna whispers in my head, "I will give you the truth if you come to me, my daughter."

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