Chapter Thirteen

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Florence POV

"Jacin, something doesn't feel right right now," I announce, "I don't remember giving Hadley the pendant or trying to get pearberry. I know I did it but it doesn't feel like it is suppose to be there. I feel like I'm missing a memories."

"I don't know what to tell you about that," Jacin whispers, "you were with Hadley the other day though."

"I don't think I was," I whisper, "because I swear Jacob wanted to talk to her and they walked off. That is the only thing that is clear in my head. I don't remember ever finding that pendant."

"Well talk to Jacob about it," Jacin whispers, "he'll know more than me."


Hadley's POV

"Jacob, Imma gonna call you Jakey," I whisper in Jacob's ear as I try to get up.

"No your not," Jakey whispers.

"Whyyyy not, Jakey?" I pout.

"When is this going to stop?" Lukey complains.

"Lukey, when is what gonna stop?" I giggle.

"Why are you putting y's after everones name, Hads?" Owen questions walking this way.

"Owey, catch me," I yell jumping up into the air.

"Finally you decided to show up," Jakey mumbles.

"Jakey, that wasn't very nice," I yell falling onto the ground.

"What's happening to her?" Owey asks Jakey.

"Well a silly bug stung her and she won't let anyone get it's stinger out of her," Jakey replies glaring at Lizzy., "Lizzy has been standing there laughing at us."

"Hads, can you come here," Owey whispers to me, "I'll give you some fruit."

"Ohh, fruity is yummy in my tummy," I scream running to Owey. When I reach him he gives me a pearberry and I sit and eat it.

"What how did that work so easliy?" Lukey and Jakey yell.

"She likes fruit," Owey shrugs.

Jakey walks over and pulls something out of my arm. I fall asleep still eating the pearberry.

Jacob's POV

She got stung by a silly bug and acted like a two year old. Luke and I tried to get the stinger out of her arm for two hours. As soon as Owen came he gets it out almost a minute. How does that even work? Literally it took one person a minute, while two people worked on it for two hours.

She's been asleep for three days. Not to mention she was asleep for a while a month or two ago. Your guys are getting close to my entrance to the center, A voice whispers in my head.

Very important question, I say in my head knowing the person will hear me, Why does everyone chose to speak in my head?

I wait for a reply but it never comes. "Jacob," Hadley mumbles in her sleep, "I'm scared."

"Why are you scared, Hads?" I question as she opens her eyes.

"Because I might not survive the center of the planet," she whispers, "I more than likely won't survive the center."

"Why do say that?"

Because of the terrors," she whispers. She stares at me and then touches my arm, "because of this."

One of Hadley's night terrors starts to play through my head. I feel myself in Hadley's shoes from when it happened.

"I'm going to collapse," the planet whispers, "Hadley, you are going to have to take my spot."

"I can't," I yell falling to the ground, "I just can't."

"Hads, it's your destiny," Owen mutters, "you can't deny destiny."

"I can and I will," I snap, "I'm not turning into this planet. I'll leave to much behind."

"You're not leaving anything behind," Florence explains, "you will be creating everything. You will be here for us. Be here for me. If you turn into the planet."

"I can't," I scream, "you should've chose a different Chosen one. I'm just not up for the job of sacrificing myself. I just can't do it."

"Hadley, please," Lizzy cries.

My arms started to go numb. I could feel my body being suck into the planet and it was painful. I don't get a choice in this matter. I never had a choice in anything and I don't think I ever will. I push myself up onto my feet and start to walk. Something pulled me back so I couldn't move anymore. "Let me go," I growl.

I look back to see nothing holding me and it can't be the star because I got rid of it weeks ago. I swing my arm back and hit whatever was holding me and I start to run. I run into something and fall to the ground.

"Hads," I whisper.

"I know, I don't know how it ends because I woke up," she says as tears slide down her face, "I'm sorry."

"Hadley, there's nothing to be sorry about. You get scared to death when these happen. Waking up helps you stay calm. Are all of them like that?"

"Yeah. They all are. Some are worse though and go faster."

"Jacob?" a voice says from behind me.

I look back to see Florence staring at me. "Yeah," I mumble as I mess with the with some rocks.

"Well I feel as if I'm missing something," he replies, "something feels as if it is missing. Like memories or something. I was told to ask you about it."

"Well what do you think is missing?"

"So do you know how a month ago when supposedly I gave Hadley a pendant and tried getting a pearberry. Well I know that you came and got Hadley to speak to her and that was the last thing I remember without it being fake."

"Umm... youuu know.....what.... I... can't help you.... with that."

"You do know what I'm talking about."

"NO!! I don't."

"Jacob, please just tell me the truth. I swear I won't tell Hadley."

I sigh and start thinking. Tell him it won't harm anything if he doesn't tell Hadley anything, Kenna whispers in my head.

"Okay, here goes nothing. What you know about how Hadley got the pendant was a lie. Hadley is the Chosen. It's her destiny to take over the planet and rule. It's also possile she might have to become the planet. With being the Chosen comes a weapon designed for her to bee able to kill. This weapon chose to turn into a pendant for Hadley. I have no idea why because none of the other Chosen have ever got the pendant or anything. The pendant is called The Blade of Stars. Each of us has a weapon meant for us. It just so happens that Hadley can't kill without hers. The only reason that we each have this weapon is because of who our parents are. Our parents....."

"Eliza and Greg normal people that lived on the planet," Florence introits.

"No they aren't. Our parents are Kenna the Goddess of Fire and Lies and our father is the Planet, Marnik. They're able to change into humans every 100 or so breaks. With each child they have a new weapon is created. The youngest child is normally the Chosen. For some odd reason Verity, our aunt, The Goddess of Truth and Growth chose to make Lizzy and Hadley twins. Lizzy isn't her real name though. It's actually Elizabeth. Don't tell her I told you though. Hadley can't know the truth until she needs to. The only reason she had to claim blade because Verity's daughter Kamryn wants the planet dead and the only way to do that is to kill Hadley. The only way to insure that Hadley dies is the Blade of Stars. Kamryn had the blade and is searching for us."

"Why doesn't the planet just kill Kamryn then?"

"Because the planet can't kill."

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