Chapter 14

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I have no idea what's going on with my body. Everything feels silky and light. Every time I get too far away from Cooth, I feel myself gravitating back over to him and if I ignore that feeling, I start to get anxious. I'm not sure if I like it. I've never been literally tethered to someone before, and feeling it now almost feels restrictive... I feel like locking myself in the bathroom to figure things out wasn't the best thing for me to do to him, but I needed alone time to see if the gravitating feeling would go away.

It didn't. And it won't.

I mean, sure, Cooth is stuck under different restraints that are honestly probably worse, but I don't understand why now that we imprinted I have to have restraints to him too? That just doesn't make sense...

This guy Cooth has coming, I worry. What is he gonna do? Can he remove the restraints and the anxiety?

"Chastopher." I called to him from upstairs after putting on cooth's coat.

"Ay!" He calls back from the kitchen.

"I'm having a guest over today, we'll be up in my room for a bit talking about some emotional stuff. Please don't interrupt us, okay, buddy?" I said.

"Okayyy, what's going on? Are you feeling alright?" He asked, worried.

"I'm alright. Just some things I wanted to talk with him about, that's all."

Chastopher nodded and returns to making his sandwich.

I walk over to Cooth who quickly stands, and i can feel his worry. I walk over to him and touch his cheek gently, smiling. "Im okay... just getting used to things~" I told him softly.

"Feeling?..." he asked.

"Better the closer I get to you, but the farther away I am the worse I feel..."

"And thats a problem im guessing..."

I shook my head quickly nuzzling his nose. "No no, its not, you're already tethered to me, I just... I feel cold now when you're away." I told him. My chest tightens, i get a little paranoid and my skin feels clammy. There just this feeling of emptiness that resides in my soul but it warms up the closer I...

And then a knock at the door.

I didn't want to answer it, i wanted to stay like this...

"We have to go answer it..." he said softly.

This felt very good... this part, having him close, having him tangible under my hands... feeling such a spark now that I never felt before... "Cooth..."

"Charlie!!" Chastopher called out. "Theres a guy here! I think its your guest!"

"Come on loverboy~" I tugged his shirt and he actually laughed a bit, standing up and i called out to Chastopher to let the man make his way up.
When Charlie got that close I felt my heart get warm and that was the first time I had ever felt warmth aside from controlling Charlie. He got closer and the heat felt good, it felt amazing it made me paralyzed from anything other then him... So it took that pull to shake me out of it~

When Airest came up he nodded at the both of us, closing the door. He had a file folder in his hands and his hair was a mess of curly brunette locks, he wore glasses and seemed to be in his forties' or so. He was wearing a long black coat that went down to his knees and... he almost looked like a priest, but without any of the cross symbolism or the collar.

"So, you fucked around and found out." He started

"How do you coven members always dress to impress then talk like a shitposter." I huffed.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Nov 07, 2022 ⏰

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