Chapter 6

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So many questions and realizations began to pop up in my mind.

Cooth can possess me with my permission? What would that do for him? Would it let him feel alive again? The book said I can take back control whenever I want to...

Another thing, why did he risk his energy to appear to me and talk to me after using so much of it in the first place?? Because I asked him to? Idiot.

And why did he rip out his directive? He said it was personal to him... I wonder.

But the main thing on my mind right now is the possession. It's gonna keep me up all night thinking about it. Why hasn't he asked me yet? Does he just think I'm gonna say no? I mean, the book did say it was rare that nightmares ever get permission, but what's the purpose of it being a feature if it doesn't get them any closer to their goal?

I assume Cooth is trying to regain his energy.

Maybe I should find something to hate so I can help him get his energy back...

I look around.

Nothing out of the ordinary to hate really... I kinda like my apartment. It's neat and tidy.

I think of my brother. I kinda hate that I had to leave him, but I know it was a good cause...

"What are you doing, Charlie." A voice suddenly catches my attention and makes me jump.

"NIGHT! Fuck, you scared the shit out of me! I thought you were resting!"

"Yeah. I was. Why are you trying to get yourself to hate things?" A teasing smirk rests on his face.

"Uh, well I read the thingy... it said if I hate things you get your energy back. And you used all that energy on me. And more. That you should not have. So I thought I'd try to gain some of it back for you..." I told him.

"Ah. I gained that information. But why. It's not like I'm a good person or anything."

"Night, quit that. Yes you are. I'm gonna fight you on that now. You're a good person. How did this happen to you anyway? I don't think I have ever asked you that yet."

The nightmare sighs and sits down on the edge of my bed. "The night this happened was a particularly shitty night. I was attempting to get some friends at a party, but like usual it wasn't gonna work no matter how hard I tried. I managed to fuck something up pretty badly and got thrown out of it. The only place left to go other than the weed scented dorm room of the college was the library. That was always my sanctuary." He said.

I sat next to him, listening.

"There at the library in the back was a little section nobody really went into. Ironically it was next to the catholic books and the religious icons, but it was a neat and tidy little section of Wiccan books. I didn't believe in the stuff all that much. But when I found this book tucked away in it, I was curious. In it was a ritual to start a new life, but in order to do that, I had to die first." He took a breath. "I'm gonna be honest, I had no clue I had to do this. I thought it would just kill me and that was it. This whole nightmare thing was a total and utter surprise." He said.

I nodded. Something Im me tugged at my heart. "So you never really had a friend before?" I asked him.

"No. Like I said, people always had this undying hatred of me and I of everything else. That's probably why I picked hatred as my set emotion. It's all I've really felt anyway, why make it any different..."

"Are you still looking for friends?"

"Like this? You're funny. If people hated me before, you think they'll like me any better now? I don't think so."

The Sorry Tale Of Nightmare CoothWhere stories live. Discover now