I looked down to him just to see him smile so sweetly, like nothing happened and I had to catch my breath.

"You look like you need a cold shower," he grinned satisfied, his eyes sparkling naughty.

"I soo hate you right now," I stated crossing my arms.

"I know," he smirked then leaned forward to pull me close by my rear and then down to sit onto his lap.

Kneeling on both side of his legs I sat onto him cupping his face and kissed him slow.

"Hmm..." he hummed caressing my back under the jumper. "You're so unique, God damn," he muttered now caressing my long hair to the front then brushed his fingers through my lips, watching my face. "Took me long enough to realize, huh?" he smiled lightly.

"It was different back then," I shrugged caressing his hair back to place, "I was working for you; we were all the time together, most of the time getting onto each other's nerves.

"Yeah... maybe..." he thought about it, playing with my hair lost in thoughts.

"Was there a moment when... when you realized you... might feel different about me?" I asked curiously also a bit scared of the answer.

"Hmm... well... I can't say. I know the first years you worked for us we barely talked... I think it has to be when I was in the hospital... and you were the only one outside my family to care for me. Hell, I was with Jessica back then and she pulled a face even when I asked her to massage my feet, and you were basically changing my sheets for a month," he frowned, and I smiled. "Then you became this assistant of mine and I just... got used to it, I guess. But when you left, and I was on the tour... I missed you a whole lot, I didn't even want to admit it to myself. But I wasn't missing you waking me up, or doing my schedules for me, I could deal with that... I was missing seeing your face when I woke up... I was missing having silly conversations while doing my schedule. I was missing you telling me how ridiculous I was or just... hear you laugh on my lame jokes," he shrugged, his fingers getting tangled into my hair. "And then..." he swallowed then sighed, "I even started missing your caring touches... I would fuck a girl and she would smirk and get up and leave and I would feel fucking empty after that... there was no you to fill the void..." his voice died down.

His eyes were locked onto his fingers in my hair as I caressed the nape of his neck, watching him gently, every word of his bringing bigger smile onto my face.

"When you appeared in Edinburgh after the show, I was over the Moon... and yeah, it all started then, and I am so sorry for what I have put your through in the last months... I was stupid; trying to fight these feelings down. I was very much scared of what would happen to what we had if I would screw up badly... which... I did, because I was in denial, trying to protect you, but it all went to shit, so when I left... these two months were a great cleansing time for me," he sighed.

"I know exactly what you mean," I nodded. "I was scared too..."

I didn't want to say that I still am, because although his words are like music to my ear and heart, I am skeptical about him wanting to choose me, out of all.

"You... you told me something when... we were arguing... about how you... feel about me," he said looking into my eyes and I pressed my lips looking down, playing with the sleeve of my jumper.

"I was just really angry at you... I... wasn't thinking," I mumbled feeling so nervous, I didn't want to talk about that.

Those three words should have never left my mouth... not like that, at least.

He gently lifted my head back up by grabbing my chin, in search for my eyes.

"The last two and half years. We grew close, Av; I think we already had some weird feelings for each other for a long time. Shannon would keep saying that we have the unhealthiest employer-assistant relationship in the world," he chuckled, and I laughed too.

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