Chapter 7

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( there is curse word in this one )
Deku POV
I did enjoy killing most of the hero's one by one. There was one left and I saved her for last for a reason " Uraka sweet sweet Uraka I am going to have  to say this once why are you a hero?" " I'm a hero because that's what I want to be so I can help others." " Oh my that was the wrong answer." So after that I walked over all the dead heros all the way to her and looked her straight in the with my hand on her cheek "die you worthless bitch." And with that I heard a scream for like the 50th time. I was so happy that all the hero's there where dead. " Father what shall we do next can I go to UA and kill everyone so there will be no more heros." He nodded " but you will wait till tomorrow so we can get your brother back." Alright I can't wait to see him again it has been forever."

(Timeskip to the next day)
It was finally time and I was ready so I got up really early and got stuff all prepared for my brother. It was about 8:30 and that is when school starts. " Everyone get your asses up we are going to UA!" Everyone can down stairs but father was first. We all get to UA through kurogirls portals. I walk all the way to General studies where my brother is." Oh brother we are here for you." I say wall smashing the door of his classroom. " It's good you haven't changed a bit since I last saw you Shinso." Everyone looked at Shinso and he smirked " wow you finally came for me. This hell hole was about worse then father almost getting killed by All Might. Where is all might?" " Well you see about 50 heros came and wanted to save me from the villains but they got killed by me one by one and can you guess who I killed first it was all might." The whole class was shocked. " Wow my own brother killed all might." Me and Shinso were about to leave when someone started talking " Shinso who is your dad?" Me and Shinso laughed and we both said at the same time "All For One." After that we just walked out.

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