Chapter 3

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Dabi POV
I woke up to see Izuku cuddled up to me. I could that he look so cute and peaceful when he was sleeping. I kissed him on the forehead then got up. Tomura was already out of bed he might have gone to see if he could do anything. He is all was the first one up. I go down to the bar Tomura, Toga and kurogirl where already up. " How can you people get up so early?" Tomura just shrugged. I was about to walk over to the bar but I felt two little arms go around my waist. I walked us both over and sat on a stool and Izu sat next to me.

Tomura POV
I could see that Izuku was still a bit tired but kurogirl gave him some coffee to help. I went over to my soul mates and wrapped my arms around Izuku." Good morning sweetheart." I said with a sweet voice. " Izu don't you have school today." Izuku nodded but didn't move." I don't want to go kacchen is going to be mean to me again." He said in a baby voice. Me and Dabi care a lot about our Izu so we won't make him do anything he didn't want. Even if we are villains we are super protective over our mates.

( Sorry it's super short I'm having hard time writing with out people bothering me)

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