A Rebirth Of Sorts

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"And now, tonights special guests, Roman Torchwick and Ruby Rose!"

"This is so uncomfortable..." Ruby muttered as she walked on stage with the ginger man.

Torchwick shook his head slowly, waving to the crowd. "Just talk like you'd talk to a friend. Oh wait, you're bad with people... Forget everything I said."

"I hate you."

"I hate you too, Red."

Both of the special guests were brought on because apparently Roman Torchwick was, in his own words, trying to turn his life around. Being as notorious as he is, this caught a lot of attention and after a couple of court appearances, he was let out on a special parole.

A certain TV host saw this as an amazing interview chance, and one that Torchwick just couldn't say no to. Plus, his lawyer told him to go to show off his nice side.

"I'm so glad you could join us tonight." The host, Edward Swish, told the pair. "It truly is amazing to have this opportunity."

"The pleasure is all mine, Edward. I'm just happy you invited me over." The ginger laughed.

"Well you have an amazing story, Mr Torchwick." Swish remarked. "And Miss Rose fits into it in quite an odd way."

"Yeah, she really does." Roman agreed. "A little girl trying her hardest to arrest me just to then become a sort of friend later on."

"I wouldn't say we're friends." Ruby cut in, shooting a look. "More of... Acquaintances."

Swish laughed heartily, the audience joining in with him. After they all stopped, the host smiled over at the pair.

"So, from what I've heard, you were trying to stop some kind of spree of heists? You found Mr Torchwick at the end of it all and from then on out, the pair of you were at each other's necks the whole way." Edward recalled. "How do we get to here though?"

"Well, I got bored and started texting Little Red over here just to annoy her, but eventually our talks got to be a little more interesting." Roman answered for Ruby. "Apparently, she's pretty awful at talking to ladies."

The crowd's oooooh's and whistles forced a deep blush onto Ruby's cheeks. "I'm not that bad..."

"So we started talking about that." The ginger continued. "And a little before she got the spine to actually make a move, I got kicked out of the crime business by an old friend."

"Oh, she stole your cane and your house keys, that doesn't make you less of a criminal." The brunette cut in. "Just because you lost your cane you can't be The Godfather?"

"Exactly, Red." Roman replied with a sly grin. "And as a newly reformed man, I soon turned myself in to the police."

Ruby turned and looked at the host, blocking the view of her mouth from Roman. "He did it for the sweet parole deal he could make for turning in other crooks."

The audience laughed and now it was Torchwick's turn to glare at Ruby.


"I can believe I did that..." Ruby breathes out as she walked backstage where her team was waiting.

"I'm still not sure why you did that." Weiss remarked, hugging her girlfriend lightly before narrowing her eyes. "He is a criminal."

"Technically he was a criminal. Now he is on a very strict parole." The brunette clarified.

Yang shook her head with a laugh. "Strict in the way that he becomes a celebrity, but yeah, I see where you're getting at."

"I agree with Weiss on this one, Torchwick shouldn't be here and neither should we." Blake hissed under her breath.

Ruby frowned at her team, letting out a sigh. "I get what you're saying, but it looks like he's actually trying to turn over a new leaf. Give him a chance at least."

The rest of the night went about as well, each member of the team having a slightly differing opinion and each of them being firm in their resolve. And as the day came to a complete end, Ruby slept in her own bunk instead of with Weiss like she usually slept.

Leaving the past behind them though, the team went out together for breakfast, soon forgetting the rest of their troubles as they laughed and remembered all the amazing times together.

But who knows.

Maybe this isn't the end of the fighting.

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