"Well she mine now you illiterate ass nigga. My name all over that and that baby in her mine nigga. So get yo hand off her before we have some fucking issues up in this store. Ian one'a yo homeboys.", Aiden said making Xavi let me go.

Xavi is one of them wanna be thugs and when he encounter a thug then he start acting like a bitch. I ain't saying Aiden a thug but he definitely got some hood in him.

"That's what i thought. Baby let's go.", he said grabbing my hand.

Once we got out the store, i sighed and rubbed my hand over my stomach again to see if she actually moved back in the store. I grabbed Aiden's hand and rubbed it over the same spot she kicked and waited.

After a few seconds she kicked and me and Aiden both sighed. "She's okay."

"You still wanna go home?", he asked.

"Yeah. I'm tired and my feet hurt.", i said looking over at him.

"Aight. Whatchu wanna eat?", he asked.

"Charleys.", i said.

After we ordered our food, he walked me to my car. "I'll see you later. Oh and i have an appointment tomorrow if you'd like to attend. We can ride in separate cars in case you gotta go somewhere after."

"Uhhh yeah. Imma be there and I'll pick you up just text me. And I'm sorry for leaving you there.", he said leaning over the door.

"I told you we good, you don't have to keep apologizing for what happened.", i sighed putting my key in the ignition but not turning it.

"Imma keep doing it until i feel like you forgave me.", he said making me drop my head. I had already forgiven him, it's him who hasn't forgiven himself.

"Okay. I'll text you once we make it home.", i said turning the key.

"Aight.", he said kissing my cheek and then closing the door.

I waited until he got back to the mall entrance before pulling out of the parking spot and heading home. It wasn't long before i pulled into the parking lot.

Hopefully my new neighbor not with the bullshit. Everytime he see me he hit on me, like I'm not pregnant and i don't shoot him down everytime.

Grabbing my food and my phone cause i leave my wallet in the lil compartment under my seat, i got out the car and wobbled across the parking lot.

Once i got to my door, i hurried up and unlocked the door, but before i could close it, he came out his apartment.

"Hey big mama.", he smiled closing his door.

(Picture him as Blueface...... Don't say shit i had too cause i put a corny joke in here.)

"Hi Will, how may i be of assistance?", I faked smiled.

"How was your day?", he asked.

"I went to the mall with my baby's father and his mother today and I'm bout to go take a nap once we're finished here.", i said shifting my weight onto my left leg.

"Sounds fun. When you gon let me take you on a date?", he asked.

"Me and my baby's father are working on a relationship so i don't think a date between us will ever happen.", i lied.

"Well can i take you out as a friend?", he asked licking his lips at me.

"I'll think about it.", i lied.

"Yeah iight. Enjoy the rest of your night boo.", he smiled.

"You too.", i said before closing the door.

Sighing i slide out of my shoes and made a bee line straight to my room. Sitting in the middle of the bed, i grabbed my phone and put it on the charger before texting Aiden.

To Baby Daddy😗🤷🏽:

We're home.

Sent at 6:19 p.m.

From Baby Daddy😗🤷🏽:

Okay. Has she moved more?

Sent at 6:22 p.m.

To Baby Daddy😗🤷🏽:

Yeah a lil bit.

Sent at 6:23 p.m.

From Baby Daddy😗🤷🏽:

Aight well keep me updated.

Sent at 6:26 p.m.

To Baby Daddy😗🤷🏽:

I will. Enjoy the rest of your night.

Sent at 6:29 p.m.

From Baby Daddy😗🤷🏽:

You too mamas.

Sent at 6:30 p.m.

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