Chapter 1 | Welcome to Wonderland

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a/n Hey guys! Here's chapter 1. Not all the characters will be introduced; I'm gonna give hints to EXO's roles~ Also most of EXO's looks in here are based off the GROWL performance they did. media over there~ (Sehun's red hair was like a highlighter! xD But all their hair colors and styles were beautiful in the performance-- okay I'll stop and give you the chapter you've been waiting for)


 Somewhere distant and unknown, there was a whimsical place called Wonderland. Weird creatures and strange beings roamed. Not all those creatures were even human, and some weren't even a species that lived on Earth. And in Wonderland, everything was somewhat... twisted. It wasn't your usual fairy tale land.

  The land was like a patchwork quilt, no same colors were together, scattered and random, composed of different species and works. From mermaids living in crystal like falls, to talking, human rabbits living in large purple meadows. All in all, this world was fantazied. You can say it's "where nothing is as it is supposed to be and everyone is what it isn't supposed to be."

And the rules were interesting.

What was right, was somewhat wrong, and what was wrong was somewhat right.

Most things were the opposite rather than the same.

The beings all lived in peace and harmony with each other, thanks to three girls, who has responsibility passed down to them by the former queen of Wonderland.

BoRa, NaNa and RainA had the power to create and rule over Wonderland. In a good way, of course. They lived in a tall, white and elegant castle on a high hill that overlooked Wonderland. They helped the people with their tasks and wishes. Even if they can't grant everything like a fairy god mother, they tried their hardest to fulfill their requests.

 Only a few "humans" lived in Wonderland, including the 3 girls. They weren't necessarily human, but human enough that they can be a human on Earth.

But one day...


    "Okay, I'll see you tomorrow, Miss Mammoth!" BoRa waved to the large elephant like creature who was heading toward the spacious field outside the Castle of Cards.

     "Don't call her that," NaNa scolded her. "She's an elephant. Jeez unnie. Did you even learn the species of Upper Wonderland?" NaNa rolled her eyes as she continued to make the "Eat Me" cookies for the nearby cafe.

       BoRa shrugged and stuck out her tongue. "She's a bit pitchy with her trumpet, she'll work on it eventually." She turned to RainA, who was working on some new potions.


       "Raina, what are you doing?" Raina's tongue suddenly turned purple. Not because it got swollen, she just drank a clear concotion in a gummy bear shaped bottle. Her work table was scattered with different types of bottles, flowers, leaves and dust.

....Fairy dust, that is.

        Raina poured some sort of detox water and herbal tea leaves into a small cauldron. "Ooh! I'm working on teas for the Mad Hatter. He requested some for the un-birthday party he's having today. He wanted them to be perfect." she smiled as she kept mixing random potions of the sort.

     BoRa frowned. "Those three are such kids. The Doormouse, March Hare and that Mad Hatter, aish... such beagles if you ask me. Actually, minus the Doormouse. He's quiet." BoRa rolled her eyes as she looked out the castle windows. "Do you think that MadMan is still out? Trying to find the one who killed his friend?"

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