They Had It Coming

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"Valencia Salvatore to the Headmaster's Office. Valencia Salvatore to the Headmaster's Office, please"

The girls, first staring at the intercom, directed their attention to the recipient of the request. This caused the young Salvatore to smirk.

"Well, as fun as this has been, I'm needed elsewhere," the young Salvatore said, winking to the girls, as she exited the awkward encounter.

Walking down the hall, Valencia easily drew the attention of various student bystanders. Whispers and pointed fingers aimed towards the green eyed girl's direction, her smirk never leaving her face.

As she turned a corner, the comment of a particularly bitchy witch grabbed her attention.

"Uh oh, the Salva-whore's in trouble"

At that comment, the group of surrounding witches snickered.

Not breaking her strut, Valencia responded, "So impressive, Liz. The nicknames just keep getting more and more original. You're really bashing that dumb blonde stereotype"

In response to Valencia's witty rebuttal, the  Saltzman twin childishly stuck out her tongue as various "ooh's" were heard by those surrounding. Valencia smiled and rolled her eyes as she continued her stroll down the school's halls.

Walking down the Salvatore School was an imagination-fueling experience for Valencia. As she spent most of her free time reading the diaries of her mother and uncle, it was fun to envision the reality of those tales.

Valencia was so consumed by her thoughts that she didn't notice someone walking alongside her. Their voice brought her out of her daze.

"Wow, Cuzzo. You sure know how to draw everyone's eyes to you"

The comment made the young Salvatore grin as she responded, "It's a talent, Gilbert. You obviously know how those work. Your crossbow is like an extension of your arm"

That caused Jake to chuckle. "Yeah well, hunting is a little different compared to tearing apart a pack".

"You say that surprisingly calm"

Jacob just smirked and shrugged, saying, "They had it coming"

Valencia smirked in response as she said, "This is why you're my favorite cousin, Jakey

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Valencia smirked in response as she said, "This is why you're my favorite cousin, Jakey."

The young Gilbert laughed as they made their way through the back exit of the school. "I'm your only cousin, Cia. And you know Uncle Ric's office is that way, right? The intercom said you needed to go there"

Valencia finally stopped her walk as she leaned her back along the outer wall of the school. She rolled her eyes at her cousin, jokingly, before responding, "That's exactly why I'm not going."

Valencia stared off into the distance in a calculative manner as she thought about all the ways she would avoid her Uncle.

Valencia stared off into the distance in a calculative manner as she thought about all the ways she would avoid her Uncle

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Instead of commenting, Jacob joined her, leaning his own back against the school wall. Checking to see if any teacher was around, he pulled out a blunt offering it to Valencia.

"You know me so well," Valencia said as she lit it up.

Jake smiled, in response, as he watched his cousin. That was until he saw someone approaching in a very pissed off state causing him to raise his eyebrow.

 That was until he saw someone approaching in a very pissed off state causing him to raise his eyebrow

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"Uh oh, Stefan doesn't seem too happy."

Hearing Jacob say those words, Valencia blew the smoke out of her mouth and looked up seeing her younger brother quickly approaching. She handed her cousin back the blunt, saying, "I'm sure you'll have no problem finishing this off"

Jacob only smirked as he said, "With pleasure"

As an extremely heated Stefan Salvatore Jr. approached his older sister, Valencia greeted him with the words, "Yes, Stefy?"

The young Salvatore boy didnt seem to like the greeting as he responded, "Don't play innocent, Cia. You tore up my pack."

"Hold on—"

"No, you hold on. I have done nothing but defend and save your ass every time you get into the problems that you create. Time after time you get yourself into more and more trouble, making 'Stefan Salvatore save the day'—and you know what, Cia? I'm okay with it because it makes me feel like I'm being a good little brother. The one thing I never felt comfortable with is triggering my curse and becoming a werewolf. It took years for me to finally embrace my gifts and the pack got me through it. You, better than anyone else, know this. After everything, you come in and attack my guys?!"

Done with Stefan's accusations, Valencia yelled back at him, "Your 'guys' were the ones that went after me, Stefan!"

Stefan clearly didn't expect that as he said, "They what?"

"Oh no, did your 'loyal pack' not tell you the truth? Jed and your little wolf buddies cornered me in the woods and attacked me and I kicked their asses"

"They went after you?"

Pissed off, Valencia got in her brothers face as she sarcastically responded, "I'm sorry. Did I stutter, Stef? I have the scars to prove it."

Valencia lifted up her shirt to reveal the claw mark that covered her rib.

The expressions on Stefan's face were rapidly changing. At first it was laced with anger, confusion, and now all it showed was revenge. As his once green eyes flashed yellow, he rasped out, "Those bastards are dead"

Valencia, once pissed off at her brother, suddenly became the logical out of the two. "WoahWoahWoah—hold on there, Stefy. I love you, but you're being an idiot."

Watching from the side, Jacob added in, "Valencia being the logical one, that's a first"

The two Salvatore's yelled back, "Shut up, Jake." The young Gilbert only put his hands up in defense as he made his way far from his cousin's argument.

Stefan responded to his sister in confusion, "What? No. They hurt my sister so I'm ripping them apart and I'm starting with that jackass, Jed"

Struggling to push her brother back by his chest, Valencia responded, "Hate to break it to ya, Stef but I already did. Now why don't you go blow off some steam and run a few laps, okay?"

Stefan begrudgingly nodded as he ran into the woods.

Love. Hate. Such a Fine Line.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu