No "But's"

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"Hope Mikaelson? You're really funny, Ric" Valencia said sarcastically

"No I'm serious, Cia. I really think you two could help each other out." Ric responded

"Oh my God, you're actually serious. Do you understand how bad that could go? We could destroy each other. She's extremely powerful and my temper is uncontrollable" Valencia said

"Then I'll have one of the twins supervise and intervene if it gets to that point" replied Ric.

"But Alaric-"

"No "but's". You're both going to do this. I'm assigning it for the next month and if you both do not find it helpful then you are free to go back to walking the halls at 2:00 am" Ric said sarcastically.

"Fine, but we're having Josie supervise. Lizzie would let us rip each other apart and eat popcorn while doing so before she ever thinks of stopping us"

"Deal, you're free to go now" he said smiling.

"Pleasure doing business with you, Saltzman" Valencia said while leaving the office.

Once she stepped out of the office, she caught the eyes of the siphon twin she was just talking about. She was sitting in the common room reading a book about the 1920s.

Valencia composed herself and walked up in her usual flirty manner and sat extremely close to Josie.

"Hey, Joz"

"Valencia" she acknowledged before turning back to the book she was reading

"Hmmmm the 20s. I've always been interested in that era. The music, the people, the fact that my Uncle explored the most of Chicago in that time."

This piqued the Saltzman twin's interest as brown eyes finally met green. "How do you know about all of that? Stefan Salvatore passed away when we were younger." Josie asked

Valencia got even closer to the girl and whispered in her ear "I would be willing to tell you and help you out if you let me have some of your drink because I am just parched" she said in the most seductive way possible

Josie turned towards Valencia and their faces were only about an inch apart at this point. She grabbed the drink and handed it to the Salvatore girl as she took a sip and placed it back down.

Valencia then went back up to the Saltzman's ear and whispered "I just helped you make Penelope Park jealous. Don't look now but she is across the room burning holes through my head with her glare"

That made Josie laugh and respond

"And what about that second part of our deal? How do you know about Stefan Salvatore in the 20s?" She said quietly, their faces not even an inch away at this point.

The Salvatore girl looked into her brown eyes, got even closer and said, "That is a story for another time"

She handed the girl a note and walked away without another word exchanged.

As Valencia was walking down the hall, she sensed someone following her and turned around to find a very pissed off Penelope Park standing right before her.

"Park? To what do I owe this pleasure?" Valencia asked

"What game are you playing, Salvatore?" Penelope asked, now more composed and, what Valencia thought to be, kind of hot

"What game, babe?" Valencia asked

Penelope looked at her for a second before dragging the Salvatore girl into the nearest room.

"Hey Hey Hey. If you wanted to get me alone, you could have just asked." Valencia said resembling her father to the T.

"Yeah I'd probably be caught dead before that were to happen" Penelope said.

Valencia then responded sarcastically, "Wow, I am offended and hurt that you would say such a thing"

Penelope and Valencia held each other's stare for a few seconds before they burst into a fit of laughter

"You're such an idiot" Penelope said laughing

"I try. Why'd you actually want to talk to me?" the Salvatore girl asked smiling

"There's a party tonight out in the woods and I was hoping that I would have the honor of dragging your ass out of your fancy room and finally get you to socialize with...I don't know...anyone but yourself"

"Hmmm. Sounds tempting but-"

"No "but's" you need to go to this party" Penelope said

"That's the second time someone has cut me off today. Why exactly should I go to this party?" asked Valencia

"Because I asked nicely?" Penelope said feigning a sweet smile

"Ugh, fine. But you're are supplying me with drinks the whole night, got it?"

"I won't let you down, Salvatore."

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