Take Off Your Ring

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"Dear Diary,

I love my life. Seriously, becoming Elena Gilbert is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I finally have everything I ever wanted. I'm young, healthy, gorgeous. Everyone loves me. But best of all, I'm a vampire again. So, Rest In Peace, Elena. Thanks for giving me your perfect life. And, now that I've corrected the single worst decision you've ever made—falling in love with Damon Salvatore—I'm gonna win back the one thing I've always wanted.

This entry was made by Katherine Pierce (Doppelgänger of Tatia) as she took control of Elena Gilbert's (Doppelgänger of Katherine Pierce/Katerina Petrova) body. This was able to be done through Katherine's ties to her Traveler ancestry-"

Closing the book, Valencia mumbled to herself, "Okay now this is getting boring."

The young Salvatore girl was doing everything she could to avoid any confrontation with her uncle. After hours of hiding, exercising, cleaning, and meddling, she ended up occupying herself with homework.

With Dr. Saltzman assigning a book on the history of the Petrova bloodline, Valencia had the joy of reading about how her mother's body was overtaken by another person who was a carbon copy version of her.

Nothing weird about that.

As she was bracing herself for more information she felt she didn't need to know, a presence of another person in the room caught her attention.

"You know, Peez, you might as well just take a picture. It'll last longer."

At that comment, the young Park girl sarcastically laughed as she walked in, responding, "It's not my fault, Cia. You just look really hot when you're focused. It was a little distracting."

Valencia jokingly rolled her eyes as she continued reading her book, "Don't flirt with me, Penelope. Can't you see I'm busy studying."

Penelope, ignoring Valencia's plea, sat herself along the Salvatore girl's bed as she peeked at the book.

"Ooh yes. I'm really enjoying reading about your mommy and her normal high school life...how are you doing with all of it?"

"Not going to lie, reading about my mom's body being overtaken by another person is a little weird to say the least. I thought it was weird that she was in love with my uncle but this shit just keeps getting better."

Valencia Salvatore and Penelope Park had a very interesting dynamic. Most conversations between the two were filled with witty banter and faux flirting. But there has always been this respect they've had for each other from the start.

When Valencia started going to the Salvatore School, she easily became one of the brightest witches in her class. Being that she was a siphon witch, some of the students would make jokes about her and tease her about it. It went on for awhile until one day it all stopped. Mysteriously, the clique of girls that were calling Valencia names showed up to class one day with pig noses and pink hair. Apparently, someone had done a light hex on them to change their appearance to resemble pig like features. No one was ever caught for the act but Valencia figured it out when she saw the scared look the girls gave Penelope when they walked into the classroom.

To the public eye, the two witches were nothing more than acquaintances that shared a few exchanges, here and there, mostly involving wit and sarcasm. Behind closed doors, the two were best friends. Penelope is the only person, other than family, that Valencia let into her room. Valencia is the only person, other than MG, that she tells her feelings and secrets to. They both have their reputations that they need to keep for various reasons—one being their love for superiority—so they keep their friendship on the down low.

Love. Hate. Such a Fine Line.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz