18 | Final season 1

Start from the beginning

"Oh Jeon Jeon.. I told you this game will be won by me, yet you still claimed it yours." he chuckled, taking slow strides towards me.

"Look at how the tables have turned." he ironically laughed. "Look at how miserable you look." he said pointing out my state. Headache killing me , eyes watery and lost, not even a bit of strength present in my body.

"At least.." I tried saying. "At least i'm not playing dirty." I said looking right into his eyes.

-"To win over me, you must've made me drink a strong champagne." I said bitterly.

"Oh please, we're adults. What kind of cheating are we talking about? Now everyone can count only on themselves. And if you have to play dirty to win a game then do it." he smirked confidently.

"Unfortunately Y/n's not a game. And by playing dirty you will never win. Remember my words." I hardly said those words, the alcohol slowly yet painfully burning my senses.

"We'll see Jeon, we'll see." he said throwing a victorious smirk at me then walking deeper into the garden.

Hell to the no. I'm not letting this alcohol get control over me.

Your pov

"What the actual fuck do you think you're doing?!" you spat angrily at your mother, trying to understand why is she acting like this.

"Y/n. Stop acting like a dumb kid." she said nervously, going further into the dark garden.

"Where are you taking me?!" you spat, feeling how your wrist was getting purplish.

"I'm finishing what we've started back then."

Please don't let it be what you think it is. Your parents can't be that selfish. They can't just do that to their daughter. They can't just ruin your life. They can't. They can't.

You were repeating those words constantly, trying to convince yourself that this is all happening for good. Your parents aren't trying to harm you. They only want what's better for you.

Even though you forced yourself to think like that, the obvious can't be denied.

Your parents had planned this and you can do nothing but obey to them.

Your mother has taken many lefts and rights until you two arrived at the needed place. The place was where you and your family used to have breakfast or dinner. The place where your whole family gathered together just to spend family time.

"Why are we here?" you asked her,  yanking your hand away from her grip.

"Please sit down and shut up." she said rudely pushing you down by your shoulders.

In front of your eyes, on a table was placed a piece of  paper. You eyed it but you couldn't decipher what was written on it.

You decided to stay silent till your mom will speak up, but it looked like she didn't plan on doing it.

"What is this?"

"Wait just a little bit more." she said nervously, sounding like she was waiting for someone.

In the next minute she sighed, feeling relieved. You then turned your head to see the reason for her sudden relief, and the moment your eyes met his your body froze.

What was he doing there?

"You're finally here." your mother said standing up. "The documents are ready to be signed."

"Good." Sehun said before he sat next to you.

"What?!" you shouted standing up but his strong grip wouldn't let you.

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