Chapter 21: You want to eat ramen with me?

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Song: X-Phenomenon by MONSTA X (Starship Entertainment )

Instagram: armlinkyg324

Lisa's POV:

"Do you want to eat ramen with me?" I ask as I move closer to him

I see his eyes go wider as he gulps down the milk


" I'm hungry Jungkook-ah, I was going to eat some Ramen. You want some." I replied as I walked toward him as I grabbed the bowls and pans from the cupboard under him.

I saw him move slightly. His eye's still in shock

"Is that how you ask everyone if they're hungry?" He asked as his tone went down a bit

"Just when I feel like it." I replied as I turned back at him. I tried to look as innocent as I could so he wouldn't realise my true agenda

Just when I thought I had the upper hand. He's always does something to give him control

I turned around to get the ramen packet but just as I was about to reach for them.

Jungkook came from behind me and reached it for me instead.

May I add

He stood very close.

I would say too close for my liking...

...but that would a lie. A very big one.

"Here." He said as he gave me the packet and went down to sit on the stool

I quickly put them in the pan and allowed them to cook for a bit

I turned around to see Jungkook put a hand through his wet hair


He looked at me in shock before shaking his hair

"I normally allow it to air dry." He said as he went back to drinking his milk

I stared at him for a second before leaving to get something


Jungkook's POV

I felt Lisa leave and I let out a breath

I knew she only asked for ramen to get back at me for the shower

But on the other hand, we're feeding the viewers with a lot of Liskook videos

Just as I finished taking the last sip of my banana milk I was spun around to be faced with Lisa holding a towel

I opened my mouth to say something but was hushed when the towel met my wet hair

Lisa stood in between my legs as she dried my hair

I couldn't help but notice how beautiful she was- but you guys already know that

" You can let it air dry, but you'll be sick if you're hair is still wet. And we cant have that especially since we have guests tommorrow." Lisa said as she looked at me before carrying on

She opened her mouth and started talking about everything she was going to do.

But me being me I couldn't concentrate especially since all I could see was her lips.

If there weren't cameras here. I would have kissed her, obviously with her permission

But we always have our wedding day😉

She dried my hair until she felt the ramen was ready

"I'll get the noodles ready. You can put on something for us to watch. " she stated as she finally lifted the towel of my head

Which caused her to burst into fits

My hair gets all fluffy and bouncy when dried with a towel.  The main reason why I let nature do it's job.

After she recovered she reached out and started patting my hair.

I placed my milk carton beside me and held on to her waist. Which she never seemed to notice as she was too busy playing with my hair.

I held on to her tightly as I got up.

This led to her standing on her tiptoes as he hand was still tangled in my hair

It was only then she realised the position we were in

"I'll go put on something for us to watch and you get the 'ramen you wanted me to eat with you.'"  I stated as I winked as her before leaving the room

Not missing the slight blush which appeared on her face.


We were now watching Hwarang.

A personal favourite of mine for no reason what so ever

"At the end when Tae Oppa died. There were tears filled in our building." Lisa spoke as rested her head on my shoulder


"Jennie Unnie forced everyone to watch it. We all knew it was because of a certain actor she wouldn't admit it. Then she was crying when he died." She stated her cheecks puffing out everytime

"You didn't cry?"

"I did. We all did. But compare all of us to Jennie unnie. We shed a tear. She was crying a while waterfall."

"She knows he's dead in the drama right not in real life."

"I hope so. But she was a bit shocked when she saw him at the award show. She was like, 'he's alive?'."

"Are you sure you're talking about Jennie Noona. The way you spell her out makes her seem...dumb."

As soon as I said that she turned around fast I was scared tht she would get a whiplash.

"Unnie will kill you once she finds."

"I'll take Tae Hyung with me. " I replied with a smirk which Lisa soon followed

A few minutes after Lisa had fallen asleep so I decided to take her upstairs so she would be more comfortable .

I turned the TV off and went upstairs carring Lisa in a bridal style.

I placed her gently on the bed before I went and slept next to her.

It was quite hot and I normally slept without a shirt but I didn't want anyone to think I was taking advantage of her. So I decided to change into a sleevless one.

I turned the lights off and crawled into bed.

As soon as my head hit the pillow, I felt lisa's hand snake up to my chest. I held her waist and pulled her closer to me so that her head was laying on my chest

An then I fell asleep...

...allowing darkness to take over me


An update was requested so I hope you guys are fulfilled.

This was quite shit. I know.

But I hope you guys enjoyed

Thank you for reading


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