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Roy's POV

"Everyone's in position," Felicity said over the comms. Roy took a breath before leaving the alley he'd been in, waiting for Oliver and Dig to get inside the warehouse. Roy speeds off on the motorcycle, weaving past obstacles on the road. Of course, Revenge just had to choose to be in the Glades. Very original. The Glades still haven't recovered much from Merlyn's earthquake. It was common to run into owner-less cars, damaged roads, and anything else you might or might not expect. In a few minutes, Roy is in front of the warehouse.

As he parked his motorcycle just inside the warehouse, three of Revenge's lackeys approached. "Your weapons?" one of them demanded. Roy rolled his eyes and sighed, handing over his bow, unslinging his quiver, and passing along his daggers. All except the one tiny knife Roy had hidden on him. Once the first one had his weapons, the one man went behind Roy while the other stayed in front of him. The lackey behind him took Roy's wrists and locked them together with a zip tie. Once again, Roy rolled his eyes but complied for Liberty's sake.

"Come on," the man in front of him said with a very familiar voice. Roy held back a smile as the disguised Dig and the two lackeys led Roy deeper into the warehouse. They took him to a room on the second story. When they opened the door, Revenge stopped what he was doing (that being torturing Liberty) and watched as Roy was led in front of him and Liberty. Oliver stood on his left and the other man stood on his right.

"Well, well, well, you finally came. How's your shoulder?" Revenge asked, ignoring the woman bleeding behind him.

"Fine," Roy answered, jaw set, looking past Revenge at Liberty. She was still tied to that godforsaken chair by her wrists. The collar was snug around her neck and a blinking red light was on the side next to a sign warning of electrocution, confirming Roy's theory that it was a shock collar. Her clothes are torn and blood stained. Her body and hair are wet with blood, sweat, tears, and water. She breathed heavily and looked at Roy, panic in her eyes.

"Liberty, Arsenal. Arsenal, Liberty," Revenge introduced, gesturing to Roy and Liberty. "Of course, I don't have to be the one to introduce you two." He nodded to Dig, and Dig tore Roy's hood back and ripped Roy's mask off. "She really didn't believe me when I told her your secret. You must be better at hiding it than I thought, isn't he, Liberty?" Liberty glared at Revenge. "She's having a hard time speaking right now. It's probably the decibel triggered shock collar."

"Get to the point," Roy demands, almost snarling.

"I stabbed you because I thought it would be satisfying. It wasn't. I thought I could make you feel physical pain as vengeance. But I was going about it the wrong way. You never caused me physical harm until I started fighting you. The harm you did cause me, I can respect. We were in combat after all. So I don't need to hurt you like that. I need to hurt you how you hurt me," Revenge monologued. Which would have been brilliant if it weren't for Roy's arms tied behind his back. But, Oliver did teach him a handy trick.

"I don't remember torturing anyone before," Roy told him.

"No, you killed her!" Revenge growled.

"Killed who?" Roy asked. "More specifics would be helpful."

Revenge stepped closer to Roy and held a photo up in his face. "You killed my wife!"

Roy's face fell as he saw the picture. He can remember it like it was yesterday he stabbed her. Lillian Cuttle. If it weren't for Oliver interfering, he probably would have killed her husband, the man in front of him, Lawrence Cuttle, as well. This was after Slade Wilson had used Roy to distribute the mirakuru serum to others. The process had left Roy without any control over himself until he was cured of mirakuru. "I will regret that everyday of my life. I have regretted it since I killed her. But I wasn't in control of myself, Mr Cuttle."

"Don't give me your excuses, Harper," Lawrence snarled. "I don't care if you were in control of yourself or not, you killed her! So I am going to kill someone important to you!"

"I swear, if it weren't for the mirakuru serum that had been forced into me before that, I never would have killed Lillian-"

"Don't you dare say her name," Lawrence threatened.

"-your wife. I would only kill someone if absolutely necessary, not because they were standing on the street."

"I don't care! I don't care about whatever story you make up. Because even if it is true, you still killed her. You still made my life a living hell. I'm returning the favor." Lawrence walked to the man holding Roy's quiver and took an arrow out of it. "I considered using one of these to kill our friend here. Thought it would make it more personal if your own arrow killed her. Unfortunately, I'm crap with a bow." He slid the arrow back into its quiver and grabbed one of Roy's daggers.. "But I'm not bad with a knife. Not as good as with your main weapon, but better than one of mine."

"No. Don't kill Liberty. Please. I'll do whatever you want. You can hurt me or kill me instead. But leave Liberty out of this. She wasn't involved," Roy said hurriedly.

Lawrence turned back to Roy. "Didn't we go over this? You killed my wife, I want to give you pain, physical pain isn't enough, I need something more like what you did. And Lillian and I weren't involved in anything. All we were doing was living in this horrible city. Does that give you the right to kill us?" When Roy couldn't come up with an answer fast enough, Lawrence turned and went back to Liberty, ready to kill her. "Say goodbye, Liberty. Oh wait, you can't, not if you don't want to be shocked." Lawrence raised his hand with the dagger, and Liberty closed her eyes tight.

Then an arrow drove right through Lawrence's hand, making him drop the dagger.

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