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"Are you serious?" Liberty asked. "You wanna run into whatever that is?"

Roy shrugged. "You told me that you need proof that I'm Arsenal!"

"Do you not know what sarcasm is?" Liberty responded.

Roy smirked before he ran off to the source of the convention's terror. Liberty threw her hands i the air in exasperation. Why does he have to be like this? Liberty thought. Running into danger like that, gosh, he's gonna get himself killed!

Liberty slowly placed her hand over the bridge of her nose and shook her head. She followed after him, not wanting to run into danger, but also wanting to drag Roy out of the building and fifty miles away.

Roy had disappeared into the crowd. Liberty scanned the her entire field of vision, but had lost Roy in the mass of fans.

"Roy?!" Liberty shouted, trying to find him and slap some sense in him. He can't just run off, thinking to he can save the day! He'll get hurt! Liberty's head screamed at her. "Roy?!"

Liberty was being shoved toward the door by the wild stampede of screaming people, but she pushed through them. After a few minutes, Liberty was behind the group of fleeing fans, trying to regain her breath. "Roy?!"

A couple of stragglers ran past Liberty, running for the mass at the doors. She jogged forward, constantly scanning the con for Roy. As she got closer to the crashing sound, Liberty slowed to a silent walk. She resisted the urge to call Roy's name again, worried it would endanger both of them. She tip toed through the empty room, looking for any signs of Roy.

As Liberty walked across the con, tension grew in her mind. It was much quieter, now that she was away from the human stampede. The crashing was still immensely loud, but was now the only thing Liberty could hear. She walked past the air conditioning unit and shivered from the cold.

The noise was coming from the upstairs section of the con, Liberty determined. She figured Roy too would have figured that out, and silently climbed the stair well.

In a corner by a trash can in the stair well, Liberty saw a backpack. Curious, Liberty crouched down by it and unzipped the bag. She gasped.

"Oh my gosh!" She pulled out the clothes in there to confirm what she thought it was. The final thing in it was a bright red hoodie.

He really is the Roy Harper!

Liberty's anxiety levels went down. Roy Harper can handle himself in a fight. Ask a mirakuru soldier, he's good at this sort of stuff. Now that Liberty didn't have to worry about a dumbarse cosplayer, there was only one person left to worry about.



Roy dodged as his opponent attacked him. He took a second to check if his coms were working.

"Team Arrow, ya guys there?"

"Oh my gosh, Roy! What the heck happened?" Felicity shouted in his ear.

Thank goodness, they're working again! Roy thought in delight.

"I dunno, the comms stopped working a while back. It got weird real fast," Roy said as he kicked the attacker.

"Are you fighting someone?" Dig asked.

"Yeah," Roy answered.

"I'm fighting some people outside the building, Arsenal. I'll be with you soon," Oliver said.

Cosplayer to Vigilante /Arrow FanFic/ /Open Novella Round 2/Where stories live. Discover now