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Roy's POV

"Do we know anything?" Roy asked his team.

"Only that this is the same guy who led the Starling City Comic-con attack, the guy you fought before you saved Liberty. There are twenty five hostages, split evenly in five different locations," Felicity said. "And there are only three of you. And I'm assuming that if one place is attacked, this guy's gonna tell his men to kill the others."

"So we need to find some way to handle the other two groups," Dig concluded. 

"Felicity, do you know how the groups are communicating?" Oliver asked.

"Uh, it looks like they're using glorified walkie talkies."

Roy could see where Oliver was going with this. "Do any of them have access to video surveillance?" 

"No, but the leader might be somewhere else. He could be watching and ready to tell everyone to kill the hostages."

"See who else is looking at the footage," Oliver said.

"I'm already ahead of you. There is a computer on the top level that is accessing it, but no one is there right now. I'd imagine the leader is using that computer."

"Where is he now?" Dig asked. 

"He's heading out of the building. This might be our only chance to save the hostages."

"Have there been any ransom demands?" Roy asked.

"None so far. And no clue why he bombed Comic-con. Are you gonna stay sitting there all day?" 

"Where are the hostages?" Oliver asked.

"Twenty-second floor west side, Thirty-third floor north side, fortieth floor south side, forty-fifth floor east side, and fiftieth floor west side. Leader is currently on the tenth. Hurry!"

"Roy, go to the twenty-second, Dig, the fortieth. I'll take the fiftieth, then drop down to the forty-fifth. You two go to the thirty-third together. If you run into the leader, split up. One of you rescue the hostages, the other delays the leader. Take the hostages to the roof."

Roy and Oliver shot ziplines to the windows they estimated were around the floor they needed to get to. Oliver shot another for Dig. They slide down the line, crashing into the windows and jumping in the building.

Time to teach these guys a lesson.


Liberty's POV

"This feels really cool," Liberty said, leaning in a chair, legs slung over the armrest.

"Being involved in a Team Arrow rescue?" Felicity asked.

"Well, I was already involved in one. Not having a knife pointed at me is nice this time around. Is there anything I can do?"

"Can you watch this guy? See what he's up to, tell me if something important happens?"

"Yes, definitely." She swung her legs onto the ground and rolled herself over to the computer Felicity pointed to. Please save these people, Roy.


Oliver's POV

Oliver ran to the nearest stairs to go down a floor onto the fiftieth floor. He was already on the west side of the building.

The building was previously owned by one of the men involved in the Undertaking. After Oliver's mother had given her book to the police, every person in it was investigated, other than those who were already dead. Those that were already arrested beforehand were reinvestigated and given more severe sentences. After over a year of arguing in court, Jacob Cording was no longer in possession of this skyscraper after it was deemed unsafe after finding evidence of secret rooms, enhanced weaponry in "unrepairable security systems," and several illegal construction choices, more so than just a small health department citation. 

Cosplayer to Vigilante /Arrow FanFic/ /Open Novella Round 2/Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt