"Stop, please!" Liberty pleaded. She didn't have any hope that Revenge would oblige, but the words had slipped out without her consent.

"I begged Harper to spare her. You're getting more of a response from me than I got from him," Revenge responded before continuing on Liberty's other arm. She felt blood sticking to her skin and clothes along the cuts Revenge had given her and heard blood dripping onto the concrete floor. She felt sick, smelling the copper smell of blood. Soon, she knew she'd feel light headed if she kept bleeding out. The cuts weren't that deep, Liberty didn't think, but the scent was getting to Liberty's head, and her panic was brewing, almost boiling over.

"Please, Roy isn't Arsenal, he could never be Arsenal!"

"You'll find out soon enough that he is." Revenge then drew his knife across Liberty's collar bone, connecting with the cuts on her shoulders. Liberty flinched away, her back pressed against the back of the godforsaken chair she was tied to. Regardless, Revenge continued carving into her. Tears slowly dripped down Liberty's face as she fought against Revenge. "These cuts aren't even that bad, you know. And yet here you are, crying and begging over hardly anything."

"Would she want you to do this?" Liberty asked desperately, hoping that her question would knock some sense into Revenge, though she doubted it would.

"It doesn't matter what she wanted. She isn't here now to tell us. So I'm going to focus on what I want instead," Revenge growled.

"Is all of this honoring her memory? If you believe in a life after this one, what do you think she is thinking, watching all this happen?"

"Shut up!" he snarled. "You talk too much."

"Well, do you blame me? You're operating on an eye-for-an-eye moral system, dragging in people that don't have anything to do with the problem. Your friend should never have been murdered, but that doesn't give you the right to kill anyone else. I get that you're pissed off, but that doesn't mean that you should kill me!"

"I don't care. I want Harper to feel my pain. Now shut up."

"No, I don't think I will," Liberty snarled back. "How would the love of your life feel if she saw what was happening now? Would she stay with you? Or would she leave you and go as far away as she can? Would she want you to torture, to murder someone for any reason, ever? How would she feel, knowing she fell in love with a psychopath?"

Angrily, Revenge flipped his knife in his hand before shoving it into Liberty's thigh. "I told you to shut up," Revenge told her angrily as Liberty screamed in pain. He turned abruptly and walked off into the darkness. A couple seconds later, he returned with something circular in his hands. "If you had only shut up, it wouldn't have come to this." Revenge clipped the object, a collar, around Liberty's neck. Liberty had fought against it, but Revenge had grabbed a fistful of hair to keep her still. The heck is he doing, putting this crap on me! "Now, that's much better."

"Son of-" Liberty was cut off by her screams. Her body vibrated against her control, and otherwise Liberty couldn't move. Her body burned as hot flashes of electricity coursed through her. It ended as soon as it started, leaving Liberty leaning forward, panting. Her neck burned where the shock collar shot electricity into her.

"I'd be careful speaking, if I were you. I don't mind your screams, but I'm sick of you talking."

Liberty sat up straight and glared daggers at Revenge. Her words had been her last line of defense. But, of course, she couldn't go about humanizing herself for Revenge, could she? Revenge grabbed the knife in Liberty's thigh and tore it out of her. Liberty regretted the scream that Revenge elicited out of her. Her scream triggered the shock collar.

Once the shock collar deactivated, Liberty set her jaw in preparation. In no way was the torture over, but she could control the shock collar. At least, she hoped she could. I can try to be near silent. I haven't been trained for this or anything, but I can try to save myself from as much pain as possible. I can't get this psychopath to stop torturing me, but I can stop this collar from activating. Hopefully.

Revenge flashed a cruel smile. "Well, this'll be interesting." He flipped the bloody knife in his hand. "With every cut, will you get twice the pain?" Revenge started a cut parallel to the one across Liberty's collarbone. Liberty bit her lip, shut her eyes, and focused on being silent. Obviously, she wasn't perfectly silent, but it seemed that the shock collar would only turn on once her voice reached a certain volume. Liberty's grimaces and hitched breaths were forgiven. "Oh come on now, I have no qualms about screaming, only your incessant words." Liberty glared at Revenge before taking a deep breath and looking forward.

Revenge wants to kill me in front of Roy. I just have to hold out long enough for Roy to come. He'll get me out of here. He'll stop Revenge, he has to. Liberty couldn't think of what would happen if Roy couldn't save her. She could only hope that Roy would save her.

Summary: Revenge is doing all of this because he said that Roy killed the love of his life. Liberty is skeptical about this. All you really have to know about the torture is that Revenge put a shock collar on her that activates when she speaks. There will be some continuation to this in the next chapter, but it won't be a chapter dedicated to torture. Revenge wants to kill Liberty in front of Roy as payment for his love's death. 

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