"Here Comes a Thought" Part one - Chapter two

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Roman POV
Oh Virgil, why do you do this to me. I love him so damn much. I really just want to kiss him and cuddle with him. Now it's my chance to make a move because it's movie night! I offered to Virgil to come and sit with me. He did so. I was so excited and happy. Halfway through the movie I feel a weight on my shoulder. I look to see that Virgil rested his head on my shoulder. I smile, yes this this the right time!!
I then whisper to him "Virgil I didn't know you were falling for me." He jumped up in surprise. His face was bright red and he apologized and bolted to his room. I look and see Patton and Logan all confused. And I go after him. I reach his door and hear... crying? I listen and hear "Roman probably thinks I'm an idiot who can't do anything right"
What? I listened more.
"I'm worthless and a monster! If they find out about my wings, they'll know I'm a monster, a freak!"
Virgil has wings? Perhaps that's his power! Oooh that's exciting! He never told us what his power was and I had never asked. But poor Virgil, he thinks he's a monster because of them. At this point I just kept on hearing crying and couldn't stand it anymore. I entered the room.

Virgil POV
I've been crying so hard I can't even see correctly. Everything is a blur. And I'm shaking so hard I might as well be a rattle! I breathe so quick and anxious thoughts rush through my head! I can't even grasp onto reality.
"Take a moment to think of just" I hear a melodic voice. I recognize it. I suddenly feel calmer.
"Flexibility, Love, And Trust" the voice gets closer.
"Take a moment to think of just" it continues to get closer.
"Flexibility, Love, And Trust" I feel someone lovingly wrap their arms around me.
"Here comes a thought" I cry into this strangers chest hard. The sobs just come out.
"That might alarm you" I began to relax my breathing.
"What Someone said and how it harmed you" I started to stop shaking.
"Something you did, that failed-"
I cut the stranger off. Still slightly shaking I choked through sobs.
"To be charming" we continued to sing the song and finally the stranger came into focus at the end of the song. It was Roman

Hey guys, gals, and non binary pals! I'm on vacation and I'm gonna be bored a bit so I'll probably update more.

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