December 4th | Chapter 13 | Part 2

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Present day

Roman POV
I woke up to find Virgil not in bed beside me instead he was gone. "Virge?" I called into the rest of my room. I looked everywhere and couldn't find him in my room so I checked his room. There he was using bandages and binding his wings to his back.
"Virgil, what are you doing and why are you binding your wings again? It's ok to have them out now." I questioned the anxious side. He glanced towards me and spoke.
"I'm going into town, I'll be back soon, but I want to be left alone today. Alright Romano?" He ask pulling on a baggy gray shirt and sweatpants. He placed a black hat on his head and didn't put make up on.
"Wait why are you going into town?" And with that question he left.
A few hours past and I grew worried I told Logan and Patton and they were also a bit worried. It was almost dark when we went out looking. We made our way into town, looking for him.
"Hey Patton, Logan, Roman! How are you guys!" I saw Emile jog towards us.
"Greetings Emile, have you seen Virgil?" Logan asked the therapist.
"Virgil you mean he's not with you? I mean he missed his appointment so I assumed that he decided to open up to you guys about todays date." Emile went on.
"Wait Virgil had an appointment?" I asked.
"Yeah he did he didn't show up. Did he leave, bind his wings properly, and not do his make up or anything?" Emile asked us. What? Why did he need to bind his wings? What could happen?
"Emile what's going on with Virge?" Patton asked. Emile looked up with sadness in his eyes.
"I would prefer if he told you but I might need to reveal information he never wished to share with you." Emile said seriously.
"Ok it's alright what ever your going to say we are prepared for." Logan said we all nodded.
"You might need to make sure Roman doesn't try and well, kill Deceit. You know probably hold onto him to stop him from trying." Emile told us. What did Deceit do? Emile took a deep breath in and looked to us.
"15 years ago on December 4th, Deceit raped Virgil. He continued to touch Virgil like... that until Remus fulfilled Deceits command but since then until Virgil left Deceit rapped him every December 4th. It's a traumatizing day for him, that's why he needs to hide himself and go to me on today." Emile finished and all of us had our jaws dropped. Anger flooded through me "GOD DAMN DECEIT!" I screamed so loud.
Logan grabbed hold of me and Patton was sobbing. The realization then hit us all Virgil could be in danger right now. We all ran.

Virgil POV
I was walking to Dr. Picanni's office when someone grabbed hold of me and pulled me into a alleyway. I was terrified, when I looked to see who it was it was... him. He ripped my shirt and bandages off to reveal my wings.
"You think you can hide Virgil, you can't hide from me." His eye glowed even brighter. I pushed me against a wall and I struggled against him. I kicked, he grabbed some duck tape and covered my mouth. He taped my hands above my head. He began to do his deed, when I went against him the knife, I created to hurt Darks Sides who betrayed us in the war was brought against my skin. The pain was blinding, and terrible. I tried to scream. I sobbed so hard. Then memories flooded me, I hurt him I hurt Deceit, I can stop him again. He hurt me he did this to me. And I will hurt him in return. My feathers turned as sharp as blades and shoved Deceit off of me. Cutting and slicing at him. Till I stabbed him hard in the gut. He yelled in pain as darkness swirled around him. He was then gone in the blink of an eye. He had gone back to Remus, to home. I fell to the ground pain rushed through my veins. It was almost dark. I couldn't take the pain any longer. I was about to give up and close my eyes but then.
"Virgil? VIRGIL!" Roman oh my sweet Roman.
Hi I'm the one responsible for your tears and heartbreak. I hoped you enjoyed this chapter. I can't believe I have 100 followers like HOW! I'm not even that good at writing Fanfiction. Well THANKS SO MUCH! Until next time guys gals and non binary pals, PEACE OUT!

Lovely Night - Prinxiety Fanfiction | Power AUजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें