As We Close

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And that's it.

We're finished.

From self depreciation, questions and praise, those little notes I wrote were really all over the place. As 'easy' and as 'simple' as they are to understand, there are some of them that really have such a greater depth to them that you almost wouldn't believe.


So, that concludes our journey through my little black notebook. Let's hope I wouldn't find myself having to use one again for the purpose in which this one was used.

I do have some other ideas of some stuff I'd like to post on this account in particular but I'm not sure when exactly I'll have those out or formulate a writing plan so you can stay tuned.

If you made it this far, thanks for checking this out and sticking around. I hope your journey was worthwhile. Any thoughts you'd like to share? The comment section is yours to use.

I'll see you all around whenever that next may be.

Goodbye and enjoy.

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