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LETTING THE BREEZE WHIP HER HAIR AROUND, Arietta nervously flattened her seafoam green dress as she waited for the VKs to arrive

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LETTING THE BREEZE WHIP HER HAIR AROUND, Arietta nervously flattened her seafoam green dress as she waited for the VKs to arrive. She was glad that Audrey wanted to welcome the new students, but was beginning to feel like her intentions were not as pure as she let on especially since she demanded that Ben and Arietta both had to wear their crowns to greet them.

Arietta and Audrey were never really close. It wasn't that Audrey hadn't tried to reach out to the princess, but more so that Arietta had never been interested in bonding with Audrey. Arietta was kind and friendly to everyone, but she was only close to Ben. She sometimes hung out with Lonnie and Jane, but they still wouldn't be considered her best friends.

The only person who might share the same bond with Arietta that Ben had, would be the daughter of the Mad Hatter, Madison. The only problem was that Maddie was known for only popping up at random times, and her visits were usually short. Arietta seemed to be the only girl whom Maddie enjoyed hanging out with.

The blaring of the trumpets brought Arietta's attention back to the road where a black limousine was driving up to the spot in which she stood. She stopped bopping her head to the preppy beat of the Auraudon Prep band as she watched two boys topple out of the car. Arietta watched with wide eyes as they wrestled on the ground over a television they removed from the vehicle.

Everyone watched as a blue-haired girl followed a purple-headed girl out of the limo, stepping over the boys. The band faltered as Fairy Godmother quickly walked up to the leather-wearing boys, "Leave it as you found it," she hummed before her light smile melted into a stern expression, "And by that, I mean just leave it."

The two boys broke apart with a frown as they threw it back into the car before looking at the others with an innocent expression. Arietta's pale eyes watched the long-haired boy walk up to her with an arrogant smirk, "Hello, Foxy. The name's, Jay."

Arietta gave him a nervous chuckle as she stared at the boy, while Ben defensively stood in front of her. Arietta was like a sister to him, and he was very protective.

Fairy Godmother jumped between the two boys, "Welcome to Auradon Prep. I'm Fairy Godmother, the headmistress," she curtsied.

The girl with the purple coat mimicked her curtsy as she looked at the headmistress. "The Fairy Godmother? As in bibbidi-bobbidi-boo?"

"Bibbidi-bobbidi you know it!" Fairy Godmother replied with a smile, although she was fuming at the improper quote.

"Yeah, I always wondered what it felt like for Cinderella when you just, appeared out of nowhere with that sparkly wand, and a warm smile, and the sparkly wand," the girl repeated.

"That was a long time ago. As I always say, don't focus on the past or you'll miss the future!" She moved her hands in front of her face quickly as she smiled at the VKs.

Ben walked up to the new arrivals first, holding out his hand "It's so good to finally meet you all. I'm Ben."

"Prince Benjamin. Soon to be king!" Audrey squealed.

The pretty blue-haired girl waltzed over to Ben as she held out her hand for him to kiss, "You had me at prince. My mom's a queen, which, makes me a princess."

Audrey let out a fake laugh, as she smiled at the evil queen's daughter, "The evil queen has no status here. And neither do you."

Arietta decided to intervene before Audrey created a riot. Stepping from behind Ben, Arietta let out an airy laugh as she grabbed the evil queen's hand in her own, "It is nice to meet you. I'm Arietta," her voice rang out like fairy bells as she spoke, "Audrey didn't mean to sound so harsh," she looked back at the princess with a good-natured nod.

Audrey smiled as she grabbed Ben's hand in her own while Ben gestured towards the bubbly mermaid, "This is Arietta, as you have heard."

Audrey giggled as she added, "Daughter of Queen Ariel and King Eric."

Fairy Godmother's voice came from behind Ben and Audrey as she said, "Ben, Arietta, and Audrey are going to show you all around, and I'll see you tomorrow," Fairy Godmother grabbed onto Ben and Audrey's hands, breaking them apart as she walked through, "The doors of wisdom are never shut! But the library hours are from 8 to 11, and as you've heard, I have a little thing about curfews."

Fairy Godmother gave the VKs a final once over before she marched away with the band and welcoming committee leaving Ben and Arietta to do the rest.

Arietta took the first step towards Jay as she shook his hand, "It's so, so, so good to finally meet you."

Ben began his speech as he began shaking the VKs hands behind Arietta, "This is a momentous occasion, a moment that I hope will go down in history."

Arietta smiled up at the white-haired boy whose face was absolutely covered in chocolate, "Chocolate?"

His face turned red as he accepted the handkerchief that Arietta had handed to him. Arietta couldn't deny that he was cute.

"As the day, our two peoples began to heal."

"Or the day where you showed four peoples where the bathrooms are," The daughter of Maleficent mocked as she kicked a rock on the ground, bored of his introduction.

Ben laughed at the pixie-looking girl, "A little bit over the top?"

She laughed along with the king, "A little more than a little bit."

Ben jokingly sighed, "Well, so much for my first impression."

Arietta smirked at her best friend who apparently was interested with a villain kid of his own. She had never seen Ben so smitten with a girl before.

"Hey, you're Maleficent's daughter, aren't you? Yeah, you know, I totally do not blame you for your mother trying to kill my parents and stuff!" Audrey broke the two teens apart, stopping them from staring into each other's eyes any longer, "Oh, my mom's Aurora. Sleeping-"

"Beauty!" Maleficent's daughter bubbled, her green eyes sparkling with hatred, "Yeah, I've heard the name. And I totally do not blame your grandparents for inviting everyone in the whole world but my mother to their stupid Christening."

"Water under the bridge?" Audrey fakely smiled at her.

Mal nodded with a fake smile of her own"Totes." The two shared a phony laugh before their smiles turned to scowls.

Arietta smiled as she broke the two enemies apart, "Okay, so how about a tour, yeah?" She turned to Ben, who was distractedly staring at Maleficent's daughter with a goofy smile on his face. One that the son of Cruella was also wearing as well as he stared at the princess.

Ben broke out of his trance as he spun on his heels to face the castle, "Auradon Prep, originally built over 300 years ago..."

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