
"This is going to be one long flight," Eleanor huffs as she sits in her seat next to me. 

"I hate flying" She continues, grabbing out the headphone stuffed into the pocket attached to the seat in front of her. 

"At least we are flying business class" I say, trying to comfort her. 

"I'm probably just going to go to sleep, sorry Scar." 

"No that's okay, I'm really tired also."

I am woken by Eleanor shaking my shoulder. whoa did i really sleep for that long?

"We are here!" she gleams.

We make our way off the plane and through customs. My heart is racing with anticipation to see Harry, waiting for me through the large doors i see ahead of me. The whole scenario plays out in my head. I'll walk through, Harry will open his toned arms and ill drop my bags and go running into them. I smile at the thought and i compose myself as we walk through the large doors. 

I scan the room for Harry. My eyes wonder over where Eleanor just ran into Louis' arms just like i had pictured in my head only its not with me and Harry.

Where is he? I feel the disappointment rushing through my veins and i can feel the water swelling in my eyes. He stood me up. I travel across the world to see him and he's not here.

I make my way over to Lou and El. Louis looks at me, his lips tight in a apologetic smile.

"He wen't out last night and didn't come home. I'm sorry Scarlet, i tried getting a hold of him but he wouldn't answer his phone." 

He stayed out, got drunk and forgot about me. Wonderful. It's a good thing i have El with me and she has a loving boyfriend who shows up to take her back to the hotel.

We all climb in the back of a cab and head towards the hotel. I am mad. Mad as hell. So mad that i want to cry but the tears won't come out. How could he just forget to get me? 


"This is yours and Harry's room Scar, Niall and Zayn are just next door and El and I are a few doors down at 201." 

"I don't have a key" I remind Louis and he sighs.


I hear a door open behind me and i turn to see my blonde haired Irish friend. 

"I thought i heard your voice" He says, engulfing me in a tight hug.

"It's so good to see you" I say. 

"Is Harry still not back?" Niall asks and Louis shakes his head. 

"You can just hang in here with us if you want Scar?" Niall asks and i agree, not wanting to go with Louis and El as i would be the awkward third wheel and i don't see any other option. 

"Sure, that sounds great" I agree and Niall helps me carry my bags into his and Zayns room. 

"Scarlet!" Zayn cheers from the couch before he stands up and makes his way over to me. 

"How you doin' love?" He asks wrapping his arms around me. 

"Not too bad" I say as we make our way to the couch.

"Do you want to some food Scar?" 

"Yes please Niall, I'm starving."

Niall grabs some potato chips and joins Zayn and I on the couch. 

"We are just playing the PlayStation, i hope you don't mind" Zayn smiles and i shake me head. 

"Nope, I'm just gonna eat my sorrows away" I say as i take the bowl of chips off Niall and i'm glad he doesn't protest but lets me fill my face with the delicious crunchy goodness. 

"I think you might need something a little better for that" Niall stands and walks over to the fridge pulling out a pack of beer. 

"Ew i hate beer" I cringe and they both laugh.

"Just drink" Niall insists, handing my a cold can

I down the first beer as quickly as possible. The taste is awful but I the buzz is taking my mind off the fact that Harry still hasn't shown. Niall hands me another can and i finish it as well and i feel it going straight to my head. I am such a lightweight. 

Niall, Zayn and I decide to watch funny YouTube videos and i end up falling off the couch and bringing Zayn down with me leaving a cackling Niall. 

Apparently there was a knock at the door as Niall stands up still laughing as Zayn and I roll around on the floor as we try to stand up but end up falling back down from laughing too much. 

I hear a cough from the door way and i look over to see Harry staring down at Zayn and I and i quickly stand up. 

"I um guess it's time for me to go," I say walking over to my bags. 

"See you later guys" I wave and Zayn and Niall wave back. 

Harry opened the hotel door and i follow him inside. The room is set out the exact same as Niall and Zayns. 

I walk into the bedroom and put my bags down before walking back out into the kitchen area to find Harry taking some pain medication, obviously to cure is hangover. 

"Scar im so sorry" He says and i look up at him. 

"OH you're sorry? that makes everything so much better" i say, my voice filled with sarcasm. 

"How could you just forget about me Harry? Did you not think to set an alarm or you know you could have not gone out so you would be up in time to pick me up from the airport! What if i wasn't with Eleanor? I would have been stranded!" I yell, the tears finally falling. 

"I don't know what to tell you Scar! I'm sorry okay! Yes i got absolutely drunk last night and yes i forgot to set an alarm and I'm sorry!" 

"Where were you? we're you with a girl?" I ask.

"What? no, and don't you try accuse me with being with someone after i just walked in to you and Zayn practically dry humping each other!"

"Don't  be so dramatic Harry! you and i know both know that that is not what was happening. Besides i wouldn't of even been in there with Zayn and Niall if it wasn't for you getting drunk and forgetting to pick me up!" 

He doesn't say anything back. There is total silence. He knows what he did is wrong and he has nothing else to say about it. 

"I'm truly sorry Scar, please believe me" 

"Harry its not that simple, was going out really more important than coming to pick me up from the airport when I'm coming to see you" 

"No, of course not. I don't know what happened i just got drunk and i didn't wake up in time. I range Louis and soon as i woke up and he told me he had taken you back here and i got here as soon as i could. I feel terrible Scar"

"Well you should Harry." 

"I know. Im sorry" He makes his way over to me and i can't help but not stay mad at him. I drown in his arms as the envelope me into a tight embrace. 

"This isn't what i wanted to happen when i saw you" 

"What did you want to happen?" i ask and a smirk grows on his face. 

"This" He says before leaning down and placing his lips on my own. It feels like the very first time. Our lips move together and i can practically feel my heart melting at his touch. His lips move away from my own and move to my neck which sends volts of electricity to my core.

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