chapter 19

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My mothers face popped up onto my laptop screen as i answered her skype call.

"Scarlet! It's nice to finally hear from you" 

"you have heard from my, i text you everyday" I roll my eyes at my mother and i hear her scoff.

"You know what i mean." She says. 

"So how is things?" I ask her. I'm finally starting to get used to the British lifestyle and different slang words that are used and what not. 

"Just the usual really, you brothers want to say hello to you." My brothers faces pop onto the screen and a large grin spreads across my face. 

"Hey Scar!" Kyle waves at the camera and i wave back. We spoke for a while about life back in Australia and my mother made me tell her all about university and of course, Harry. 


"Anyway guys I'm going to have to go, Harry is trying to call." I say good bye and hang up before answering Harry's Skype call.

"Hey babe" He smiles, his dimples on full display and i wish i could reach into my laptop and kiss them. 

"Hey, how are you?"

"I'm great love we just finished playing in Florida and we are heading off again tomorrow" 

"How was the show?" 

"It was good" 

"That's good Harry, I miss you" 

"I miss you too babe and i can't wait to see you tomorrow" he grins as he wiggles his eyebrows up and down. 

It feels like forever since i have seen Harry. I've completed all my assessment for this semester which is such a huge relief. I'm flying to the United States later tonight with Eleanor and i couldn't be more excited. First because i've never been to America and seconds because i get to see Harry.

"Me too Harry" I say. 

"I love you" My curly haired lover smiles into the camera and i can't help but smile back. I truly do miss Harry, it still feels weird not having him around. 

"I love you Harry"

"Babe, i have to tell you something." Harry speaks slowly and my guts churn. Please not be bad.

"yeah?" He looks into the camera with a worried expression on his face before it turns into a smirk.

"I'm Horny." I feel my body relax. I thought that was going in a whole other direction.

"Oh Harry, i thought it was something is serious!" I laugh. 

"Can we have Skype sex?" He blurts and i half choke on my saliva. 


"What? It was so much fun last time" 

"No, I'll be seeing you tomorrow, if we do this now the suspense wont be as good for tomorrow." 

"Fine i have to go and get ready any way" He sighs.

"Harry don't get all flustered and ready for what?" 

"I'm going out with some friends tonight, well to a friends house as i can't drink in public here" He rolls his eyes.

"Oh okay then. Babe, I'm going to have to go because i have to get the rest of my stuff ready with Eleanor or I'll miss the flight."

"Okay love, have a safe flight okay?" 

" I will, I love you"

"I love you" and with that i switch off my laptop and i pack it away into its case and putting it with my carry on bag next to my bedroom door.

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