chapter 17

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"what are we going to do for dinner?" i leant on my hands that were sitting on Harry's bare chest so so i could look down into his eyes.

"what would you like?" harry asked, pushing a strand of hair, that had fallen in front of my face behind my ear.


"good idea, ill get it delivered," harry grinned at me. It felt so nice to be here with Harry laying in his arms. Our bodies in twined, skin on skin, as we were yet to get dressed.

"do you want to have a shower? i'll meet you in there once I've ordered the pizza."

i nodded my head and threw the blanket off of our bodies and i stood up off the bed. I took a few steps forward only to be pulled back down onto the bed by my wrist.

Harry climbed on top of me, his legs either side of my body. He leant his faced down and his soft lips brushed mine. He continued too trail kisses down my jaw and under my earlobe so lightly that it tickled. I squirmed under Harry as i giggled uncontrollably.

Harry grabbed both my wrists in either hand and lifted them up over my head and with the other hand he tickled my ribs as he layed more kisses around my neck, slightly nibbling my earlobe.

"Stop harry it tickles!" i squealed.

Harry leaned up from my no longer tickling me however he still held my hands above my head.

his eyes trailed down my naked torso and back up to my face and he bit his bottom lip.

"to be honest Scar... you are so fucking sexy" he says as he rolls off me and climbs off the bed pulling me to stand with him.

"you too harry" i wink as i slap his bum on the way to the bathroom.

Harry raises his eyebrow at me. o'oh.

"that's it! your gonna get it now!" harry exclaims grabbing me and throwing me down back onto the bed before climbing back on top of me, tickling either side of my ribs and up and under my arms.

"okay! okay!.. Stop...It!" i squirmed as harry continued to tickle me.

Harry climbed off me and i stood up off the bed and tried to straighten my hair out. I turned to walk to the bathroom and harry slapped my ass. hard.

"ow! Jesus harry!"

"pay backs a bitch" he smirked.

i huffed and continued to walk to the bathroom. Harry followed me so i shut the door and locked it. He jiggled it a few times before he realised that it was locked.

"Oh come on Scar! open up!"

"pay backs a bitch isn't it?" i mimicked his words.

Harry laughed at my cheekiness and sighed.

"fine, ill go order the pizza. just remember Scar, you have to come out of there eventually" i imagined the evil smirk planted on Harry's face right at this moment.

"yeah yeah"

i turned the water on and waited for it to heat up before i stepped in.

the only thing that i hated about being in the shower was how much you think. No matter what you always end up thinking about anything that was bothering you. 

Harry popped into my mind as i let the water run over my body. 

what was going to happen now? I'm harry styles' girlfriend. i feel something deep for him but i shouldn't. Not yet anyway, its too soon. that anxiety feeling that you feel in the bottom of you're stomach started to form as i thought about the future. I don't want to get hurt. There is so many things that are going to try and tear and Harry and I's relationship.

Its great now that he is here and I'm not getting harassed. or am i? i hadn't checked my twitter account or seen any articles yet as i havn't checked my phone since harry and i raced away from the swarming paparazzi. 

Soon he is going to leave for tour and im going to be here on my own. Of course i will have Eleanor and the few friends i have made at uni but its not the same. When the one person you want to spend all of your time with isn't going to be there. 

What if he moves on? i mean he is the harry styles. Literally millions of girls are throwing themselves at him. I trusted harry not to cheat on me, i know he wouldn't do that but that doesn't mean that he won't find someone new. 

i have opened myself up to Harry, i've put my trust into him in every way and I'm not ready for him to leave me.

i washed my hair and stepped out of the shower wrapping a towl around my body and walking back into harry's bedroom finding one of his t shirts to put on and i slipped my denim shorts back on. 

I decided to go check my phone and see if anything was on there. 

i had thousands of notifications and my stomach swirled as i started to read through the messages.

What a slut!

She's not even pretty. like what so ever!

Harry has definietly down graded from Taylor!

Harry, she only wants you for the money! 

Go die!

they won't last

some of the messages and tweets actually made me sick to the point where i thought i was goin to throw up. i get that the fans are probably up set but who sends someone death threats? 

although there were heaps of bad messages there were also a few good.

She is really pretty! i love her hair!

i hope she is reallly nice and treats harry good!

i even saw a few fans defending me to the mean ones which made me feel a lot better, knowing that they weren't all bad. i heard the doorbell ring and figured it would be the pizza guy so i made my way out into the kitchen where harry was taking pizza out of their  boxes.

"mmmm they smell delish!" harry beamed. 

i walked over to the counter and harry wrapped his arm around me, 

"whats wrong Scar?" 

"i um...just read twitter" Harry looked down to the ground and back up to me and he tightened his grip around me. 

"Scar, im so sorry you don't deserve it. Please don't read them anymore, at least until you are able to learn to ignore it and don't take any of it to heart. This is what i was trying to protect you from scar, becuase it will get worse. A lot worse."

"that doesn't make me feel any better, Harry" 

"Scar im not meaning to make it worse i just want you to be prepared." Harry wrapped his other arm around me and pulled me into him so my face was squished against his chest. i felt him lay a kiss on the top of my head. 

"im here Scarlet, ill stand up for you no matter what" Harry whispered. 

Harry made me feel a lot better with his arms wrapped around me but i knew it was going to change.

When he leaves for tour again he won't be here to hold me and make me feel better. 

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