Pin still held onto her hand as he spoke, "I'm sure you'll be fine, just call me if it all goes badly."

A smile stretched across Harper's face, "oh, my hero."

The couple barely had a chance to laugh before Mia rounded the corner and screamed at them for slacking off. Harper barely contained her laugh as she walked to the main part of the yard to begin to sweep. She worked contently for around a half hour, where she tackled the main part of the yard and the haystack.

Harper couldn't believe her eyes when she saw Rosie, who was wearing jodhpurs, walk past. "I never thought I would be alive to see this." Rosie smiled at her and walked towards where Ben was.

Harper was just about to tackle the entrance to the stables when Becky ran up to her and grabbed her by the arm.

"Becky? What's going on?" Harper asked as Becky stopped running, took her broom, and placed it on the wall and carried on running.

Harper's question was partly answered when she saw that the entire yard, minus Mia and Marcus, was inside the tack room. Becky detached herself from Harper and threw herself onto the sofa next to Jade, Harper went and stood next to Pin who was polishing something by the sink.

"The county show cup has gone missing." Zoe explained and gestured to where the county show cup was supposed to be and instead it was replaced with a horse mug, "someone from Holloway took it."

"Well, we've got to get it back." Jade spoke up from where she was on the sofa, "if Mia gets back and the cup is gone, she will skin us all alive."

Zoe formulated a plan in her mind, "I'll get the cup back, Holloway doesn't know who I am so I can just pretend I'm trying to find somewhere to keep my horse."

Susie interjected, she had a picture of the cup in Holloway's trophy case, "you can't go on your own."

The group was silent for a moment before Harper spoke up, "there is one other person they may not know." Harper turned to face Pin, as did everyone else.

"Alright then, I can't exactly clean a stolen cup." Pin smirked and put down the thing he was polishing. "Let's get saddled up then."

Everyone poured out of the tack room with their gear and tried to avoid Mia and Marcus. Ben and Rosie were tasked with keeping Mia, Marcus, Elliot and Maggie in the dark about what they were doing; mostly to keep Mia from exploding.

Harper swung Robin's stable door open and cooed softly at him as she brushed him quickly and put his dark green saddle pad on then followed it with his saddle. His tack was beginning to get on with age, Harper would need to begin to save up to get a new one. She did his girth up and slipped his bridle on and made sure that all of the straps were done up.

The group was almost ready to go, Harper slipped out of Robin's stable and went to grab her helmet from her locker. She slipped her phone into her bra, if it were in her pocket it would fall out.

As she walked out of the tack room, Harper slipped her hat on and walked Robin out from his stable and over to the mounting block near to the entrance. Susie, Becky and Jade were already mounted and waiting for the others. Harper led Robin up to the mounting block and jumped on Robin.

She walked him away from the block as she saw Pin approaching to mount onto Elvis, she tightened his girth enough and made sure that her stirrups were slightly shorter than usual as they may have to gallop to get away and light seat was the best way to do that.

Slowly, everyone arrived, and the group set off for Holloway with Susie leading the way as she knew the back route to Holloway where they could avoid being seen. She knew these routes as her boyfriend was a rider there, Harper didn't know what the boy looked like as she didn't see Susie stand to Mia for once.

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