"He walked?" I asked.

            "Yes," she nodded, "on crutches."

            That son of a . . .

            "I think he went to see Barbara around eleven P.M., I haven't seen him ever since," she continued.

            "Alright, I'll check up on him. Anything else?"

            "Two babies are about to be born, it'll take some hours, though. We'll inform you if we need you."

            "Ah, babies, yes!" I exclaimed a little overenthusiastic, "Please do. See you!"

            And with that information I went to room thirty-four where the lost Hart Feingold probably was. But when I opened the door, he wasn't. Of course he wasn't. I realized that his character simply didn't suit staying in bed all day – he proved himself to be a fella who liked to adventure by walking around on crutches when I strictly told him not to.

            "Walking he can, but making his bed, of course not," I mumbled as I tidied up his room.

            After that, I went to the oncology department. Today, a girl was cured from leukemia and ready to go home, but it was a tradition to throw a fun party, therefore the corridors were covered in garlands and loud music was to be heard. When I got to the main space where the counter was established, I saw Barbara and Hart. They were passionately talking about God knew what, and laughed. The last time Hart wasn't in his room, he was also here, last night apparently as well, and now again – he certainly enjoyed being around the children and Barbara. I couldn't blame him; the children were all lovely and always succeeded in warming up one's heart since you could just feel the bond they all had with one another, and Barbara was very pretty, sweet and an extravert. She was the most social person I had ever worked with, and everyone in the hospital loved her. I looked at how she charmingly tucked a lost strand of her long, blonde hair behind her ear, and how her cute, little nose moved up and down as Hart's words made her laugh. Hart looked very well, his time in the hospital had done him very well; the bags under his eyes had disappeared, and his skin was a natural color again. He touched her arm as he told what seemed like a very intense story, and I caught myself smiling at the sight of the two. Or maybe the sight of Hart having a good time.

            "Nova!" Suddenly, two small arms were wrapped around my legs, and when I looked down I saw little Jonathan hugging me tightly. Although I loved every child here, Jonathan and I always came along better. As weird as it sounds, I had an actual click with the seven-year-old dingus. "I haven't seen you in like, three lightyears!"

            I laughed and kneeled down to face him, where after I petted his cute, bald head. "But I'm here right now, aren't I?" 

            "I thought you weren't going to show up for the party." He looked up at me with his big, hazel eyes – the most beautiful I had ever seen.

            "Oh, I would never leave my buddy alone at a party!" I exclaimed, "Do you still know our handshake?"

            "Oh, I would never forget my buddy's handshake!" he mimicked me, where after he got in position to perform our handshake. I chuckled, and got in position as well to do it.

            "You still got it, nice," I smiled as we finished. Two eyes were burning into my skin, and when I looked up I crossed Hart's gaze. The corners of his mouth curled up, and he stopped listening to Barbara's talking, as he slowly raised his hand to wave at me. Everything around me faded into indistinct chatter and laughing, and all I could see were those two, brown peepers from across the room.

            Earth to Nova, Jesus.

            I blinked a couple of times, and everything was back to normal. I smiled at him, then focused back on Jonathan, and from the corners of my eyes I saw that Hart turned around to listen to Barbara again, gesturing whether she could repeat what she was saying. May I Have This Dance by Meodowlark started playing, and all of the sudden Jonathan's eyes took the form of twice its original size.

            "That's the song we always listen to in my room!" he exclaimed.

            I nodded. "I put it in the party playlist. Have you already congratulated Elisa for winning her battle?"

            Jonathan shook his head.

            "Want to do it together?" I asked.

            He nodded. "Nova, when am I going to win my battle?"

            I looked down at him as we walked towards Elisa's room where I supposed she was. Jonathan was diagnosed with ALM, and his fight had been tough, but he was doing very well recently. "If you fight hard enough, you'll win, and I'll do anything to help you win, alright?"

            "Nova." All of the sudden, Hart's voice was very close behind me, and I turned around to face him. I caught my heart skipping a beat. Barbara stood still behind the counter, looking at us. "I eh . . . I'm walking."

            "I see."

            "Yeah, Barb told me I could use the crutches now. Life's a lot easier when you don't feel like a retard in a wheelchair."

            "Congratulations. Does being a retard on crutches feel better?"

            "Ha, ha, ha. Where are you going? You weren't here last night."

            "Did you miss me?" I teased.

            "Nah, I just went to sleep after dinner at seven. Your endless chatter always keeps me up at night, so a good, long sleep did me very well."

            Lies. He was walking around until eleven, at least, that's what Chelsea had told me. I decided to act as if I believed it, and nodded.

            "Great. We'll catch up later, I'm going to talk to Elisa now."

            "Okay, see you later."

            As we walked away, Jonathan curiously looked up to me. "So you like that retard on crutches?"

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