"I have a few remarks I would like to share," Aizawa said.

'This is it,' Danny thought miserably. 'I've been made and they'll never let us stay. Say goodbye to this dimension. It was nice knowing you all, 1-A. Farewell, goodbye, and toodles.'

"First of all," he started, glancing at the three teenagers that were shifting in their seats, "you all have improved since you came here. Physically and mentally. You two with your Quirks--" he looked at Sam and Tucker-- "and you at hiding your actual potential."

Mic visibly sat up straighter, suddenly very interested. 

"What do you mean?" All Might butted in before Mic could. "You mean he can do more?"

"Let the kid explain himself instead of talking about him like he's not here," Midnight sighed. She turned to him with a reassuring smile. "You probably have a good reason for not telling, but we would appreciate if you tell us the truth."

"Time-paradoxes," Sam answered for Danny. She semi-glared at all the teachers after sending Danny a glance. "Nothing else you need to know. Clockwork will let us know when the time is right to tell you everything, or you won't know."

"What she said..."

"We understand," Nezu said. "Protecting the flow of events is more important than telling a secret to people you haven't known for more than a few weeks." He turned to Aizawa, who was looking at the kids. "Eraser, do you have more 'remarks' you'd like to make?"

"You may have gotten stronger, but you need to learn to control yourselves." It almost seemed like he was out to get them as he sent them a hard stare. "You went overboard."

"Oh, we went overboard?" Tucker huffed. "I didn't nearly kill someone. Twice."

"He only went for my Directional Speakers and glasses," Mic added as he turned to Nezu, who had turned into the judge of the debacle in an instant. "Never did he even directly hit me, and I haven't even fought the other two." He turned back to the teens. "I apologize for...yelling so loud. I was hyped, you know?"

"It's fine, Mr. Mic. And thank you," Danny said.

"Might I remind you of the fact he closed in Aizawa using an attack obviously driven by anger?"

"He just saw his friend pummeling to the ground from very high and not moving!" Midnight exclaimed, making All Might shrink in his seat. And even though she was disagreeing with him, she could swear she saw both Aizawa and Sam smirk a bit at seeing her yell at him. "Imagine thinking you're seeing your partner die. Also; he kept a hole for air and a bit of light, as has been said before. He was right in his ways."

Tucker shot a grateful look back.

"I would like to bring up Miss Manson's clever attack," Ectoplasm spoke up. "Her strategy included bribery and threatening, no real physical attack or influence. I must admit I could not escape."

"And the wolfsbane-move was outstanding, though dangerous. You managed to use it well, Miss Manson," Cementoss added.

Sam raised an eyebrow as a soft blush rose to her cheeks. "Thank you..?"

"Unfortunately, there is little footage of Mr. Fenton," Nezu said. "I wish to speak with you in private later."

Danny nodded. "Of course."

"It would seem you three are very capable of handling yourself," Nezu concluded. "And others, for that fact. You looked out for each other and managed to work together in such a way that some Pros might even take some notes from!"

"And you managed to keep injuries to a minimum, considering what happened," Recovery Girl praised.

"It was in everybody's best interest," Danny snorted. "But thank you."

"Where do you three wish to go from here?" Nezu asked as he leaned backward a tad and folded his arms over each other. "I can imagine this all sounded very promising, but there is always room for improvement. Any questions or requests?"

"New outfits," Sam blurted out. "I-I mean...they're great," she rambled on, "and I really respect who made them, not gonna lie, but I have some...changes I'd like to implement in the design."

Midnight pouted. "I like your Hero Costume..."

Danny gave her shoulder a playful shove and was returned with a glare that said he'd be dead by the next morning. "I have some small adjustments I'd like to make as well."

"Mine is perfect as it is," Tucker said, looking smug. "Mistakes who? I don't—"

"And I'd like to speak with Mr. Mic in private," Danny interrupted Tucker. He turned to said Pro Hero, who was looking baffled. "I've got some questions relating to my Quirk that he can answer. If you want to, that is."

"I'd be my pleasure, Little Listener!" he beamed back. "Just let me know whenever!"

"Thanks, Mr. Mic."

"I think that'll be all, then?" Nezu said, looking around the room. "Well then— with the exception of Mr. Fenton here, I will see you all on Monday!"

Tucker sighed, mumbling, "Can't wait..."

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