Chapter Forty Four

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God, sometimes I regretted ever learning his secret at all.

But then you will never be friends with him.

I hung my head down in exasperation as I waited for the doors to part when we finally arrived on her floor, "I know, I'll tell him when the time comes, I promise."


"Look up!"

I lifted my gaze from my phone screen just in time to see a ball flying towards the middle of my eyes.

I didn't even get the chance to react when it finally made contact with the surface of my skin, the impact causing my body to topple down onto the sand.

"Fuck," damn, that actually hurts.

Rubbing at the sore spot with my free hand, I registered the sound of Jimin's evil laugh just as someone came up to me.

"You okay?"

I squinted my eyes towards a grinning Jungkook and quickly dusted myself up, ignoring his held out hand.

"Very funny," I glared when his grin only widened even more.

He let out a deep chuckle, "You should've seen your face just now. Very priceless."

I shot him an unamused look as we both walked towards the spacious court where the other guy was standing.

"About time you came out to face the world. We thought you were dead in there just like Taehyung," Jimin childed as he took the ball from Jungkook.

"Huh, if that's the case I'm pretty sure you would be the first person to celebrate."

He made a 'tsk' sound as he starting dribbling the ball around, "Actually, we were both celebrating over here until you suddenly came down to tell the whole world about your extended lifespan."

"So you decided to kill me with your ball instead?"

"Well, now that you put it like that..." he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively at me.

I wasn't impressed.

Seeing my lack of reaction, he turned towards his best friend for support.

Jungkook also wasn't impressed.

Jimin let out an exasperated huff, "I see, so you guys are ganging up on me now? Fine, I'll just play alone."

Beside me, Jungkook shook his head wordlessly. "No offense but your dirty jokes are already outdated, hyung."

"Oh, so what? You want me to make dad jokes instead?"

"No, Jin hyung already made enough of that for the rest of the world."

"Who's Jin hyung?" I wondered out loud.

I swear I've heard that name somewhere before.

"He was the first student rep that was chosen in our academy," Jimin explained when he finally got over his wounded pride.

I scrunched up my face in confusion, "So there's Yoongi, Hoseok and now Jin. How many of you guys again?"

"There's only seven of us. But since the older hyungs are usually outside the country, we never really get the chance to hang out that much anymore."

I didn't miss the way Jungkook's voice dropped lower at the second sentence as he looked down towards his shoes.

Whoever these guys were, they surely meant a lot to him.

"Yeah," Jimin agreed before turning towards me, "But don't worry, you'll meet them all at once one day soon when you and Jungkook had finally decided to act like real adults and get married."

Both of us doesn't look impressed.

"Ugh, that's it. I'm officially giving up on you guys. Go find a new guardian or something," he muttered in a sulking voice.

I shot Jungkook an incredulous look, "Since when did he became our guardian?"

"I have no idea too," he replied with a lazy shrug.

"You brats, of all the things that I have done for you both, this is how you're treating me?"

"What did you ever do?"

"I saved you from getting caught by Veronica."

I can't help but let out a scoff, "And that was only after you humiliate me with that Naruto name."

At the reminder of that first uneventful night, Jimin snickered loudly. "And I told you that was a legendary name. Next."

"You made me follow you to the mall just so that I can carry your things while you play around inside the underwear store."

"For the record, that wasn't just me. Jungkook was involved too."

I sent the said guy a quick glance.

He was quick to defend himself, "Well, it was V hyung's idea too. But the real mastermind was this guy."

Jimin took huge offense at the finger that was pointed to him, "Oh, its my fault now? How about the time when--"

I let out an exasperated huff as I realized that this argument is really going nowhere and that once the three of us fight, it would never ever end.

"Okay, enough!"

Both of them immediately stopped.

"I'm hungry," I announced as both of them just stared at me expectantly.

When nobody said anything, I shot Jungkook a pointed look.

Being the wise man he is, he nodded in defeat. "Fine, I'll accompany you to the cafe."

My face quickly broke out into a smile as I grabbed for his arm.

"Oh, what? So you guys are going to ditch me here now just like that? And let me die a slow, painful death ALONE?" Jimin threw his hands up dramatically.

I was about to give him another one of my witty remarks when my eyes caught the petite figure standing near the entrance.

"Oh God, now you're ignoring me too?" He added, still oblivious to what I'm seeing.

Because right across where we were standing, Kim Yeri waited in her glorious red dress and perfectly manicured nails.

And her eyes were focused on my hand that was holding Jungkook's arm.

Oh boy.

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