||Chapter One||

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Author's P.O.V

It was a causal day in the Kim household the new school year just started and Dior was already done with her with her latest design on her sister and brothers.

"Dior how do I look"asked a soft honey toned voice Minji as she walked twords her sister who had an awfully shocked expression on her face.

"TRES CHIC!!!! MINJI!!! MAGNIFIC YOU PULL THAT DRESS OFF SO BEAUTIFULLY !!" Exclaimed Dior clapping her hands knowing that her design fit her sister very well

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"TRES CHIC!!!! MINJI!!! MAGNIFIC YOU PULL THAT DRESS OFF SO BEAUTIFULLY !!" Exclaimed Dior clapping her hands knowing that her design fit her sister very well.

"I really like it maybe I can impress someone this year"said Minji softly her thumbs twiddling against each other . Before Dior could comment a loud noise was heard from the kitchen and an angry SeokJin looking at Minji like she just committed a crime.

 Before Dior could comment a loud noise was heard from the kitchen and an angry SeokJin looking at Minji like she just committed a crime

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"Kim Minji sit down" said Seokjin madly almost as if his own sister had killed a person.However Minji didn't want to sit down she was kind but her sister said to start standing up for herself and not be a door mat.

"What if I say no?" asked Minji and that's when all hell broke loose. Seokjin pushed her down onto the couch making the rest of the family gasp.

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!!!" shouted Dior running up to her sister as Taehyung ran to get Nam Shin since he could easily deal with this.

"I TOLD HER TO SIT DOWN AND SHE STRICTLY DISOBEYED ME!!!" shouted SeokJin at Dior making Minji start to cry with a sigh Seokjin got on his knees and hugged his sister close.

"Listen Minji I love you but Park Sangdong is bad news you are my rare gem you and your sister are the only women I will ever love in my life your brothers can protect themselves you are my baby Minji I will always protect you . I would kill myself if something happened to you If someone laid a hand on you or scratched you wrong. You are strong Minji but please don't get hurt. I wish I could walk you to school every day and stay their every hour to protect but unfortunately I can only walk you and pick you up I'm sorry baby girl I really am . I care for you a lot you don't even know how much.I will always protect you "said Seokjin softly slowly pulling away and with a soft smile cleaning the fallen tears from his small sister cheeks.

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