Don't tell me it's for the best

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I can feel you
Walking away from me
This time there will be no knife
Just the quiet sound
Of your footsteps fading farther from me
I can feel the tension
I can sense the truth
You want nothing more to do
With a girl who can see right
through you
You are scared
And i know it
You want her but you don't
You want me but don't want to leave her
This never ending merry-go-round
Has left my head spinning
And my lungs gasping for air
It is hitting me all at once
You are causing me more hurt than happiness
I never thought you'd become his reflection
But in the back of my mind
The warning signs start flashing
Louder than the thoughts trying to convince me
That you are not him
The fuzziness is forming
And i can not separate
Your name from his
I close my eyes
Because I'd rather not watch
Our fallout begin
You pull away from me
And this time
I can not bring myself
To recover the distance

To the one I loved the mostOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant