This is Goodbye

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Its finally time for me to move on
I deserved a better goodbye
I will no longer worry about
All these questions you left me
When you began to walk away
I'm done asking you when things will change
I'm finished trying for you
I did everything I could for you
I poured out my heart and my feelings
And you shrugged it off
And played these mind games
You claim to have never created
You rip me apart
And convince me Im overreacting
By the few words you reply with
After I send paragraphs
And the truth is,
If you cared as much as you said you did
You would've respected me
You would've made the time to talk
About our unfinished business
You would've taken what I said seriously
And to be honest
If you cared
We wouldn't be in this situation
in the first place
So I write this all in a poem
Because i know if i message you
You still won't listen
So this is my farewell to you
Because I know who you are now
And I know how much you've sadly changed
And I'm not even sad anymore
I'm just angry
Angry that i let you play me for so long
Angry that i let someone who
Doesn't even know himself
Define so much in my life
Angry because one day
When your new artificial life
Disappears in the course of a couple months
You will come crawling back to me
But by the time you do
I will no longer be on the floor
I wil be laughing with someone knew
And when you come knocking at my door
I will tell him to send you away

To the one I loved the mostWhere stories live. Discover now