HaeSoo's heart ached to see Jimin in such a condition yet still happily smiling at her. Jimin's happy smile had faded away noticing that HaeSoo was worried. He sighed knowing that she wanted to know what happened to him. "I was attacked..." was what he said. "But don't worry about it! I already informed Detective Kim, he's already on the case." Jimin quickly said trying to reassure HaeSoo. The young girl, clearly finding what Jimin said suspicious, wrote in her journal. Her eyes glanced at every injury as she wrote.


Why inform Detective Kim? Does the attacker have something to do with the murderer?

-To Jimin

Jimin read what was written and then looked at HaeSoo's worried expression. He didn't want to tell her that the attacker, in fact, had something to do with her. He knew that if HaeSoo found out, she would begin to feel insecure and would be afraid to hurt the ones one around. "Um...I told him because..." Jimin anxiously rubbed the back of his neck not knowing how to respond. "Uh..." Jimin thought for a while until a response finally came to his head. "Because I know him well!" He lied. "I thought it would be easier for Detective Kim to help rather than a police officer." HaeSoo's eyebrows crashed together knowing that Jimin was lying. "So...I'll get to class now," Jimin said before walking away, leaving HaeSoo still suspicious.


HaeSoo's mind was still stuck on Jimin's injuries. She knew he was lying and she was determined to find out what was going on one way or another.

The first period had ended and it was now break time. Students had left the classrooms while some remained. HaeSoo was one of the remainings who had taken their phones out. Her first instinct was to text Detective Kim and find out what was truly happening with Jimin.

📶SK 🔊                11:02 AM              89%🔋

Detective Kim

What happened to Jimin?|_


HaeSoo stared at her phone for a while waiting for a response. She began to turn impatient as minutes passed. But soon enough, the three little dots inside a speech bubble was shown, meaning that Detective Kim had seen the message and was writing back.

📶SK 🔊                11:05 AM              89%🔋

Detective Kim

What happened to Jimin?|_

_| Did he not tell u?


_| Idk if I should say anything

Pls? I'm really worried|_

_| don't think about it too much
_| he was attacked

I know|_
But by who?|_

     this person is connected
_| to you
_| he's after you
_| he went after Jimin first
     he said to stay away from you
_| or else he would hurt him too

_| hello?
_| HaeSoo?
_| R u still there??


HaeSoo had stopped reading the messages. She couldn't believe it. Jimin was getting hurt because of her. She didn't want that, she didn't want any of this. Her life was supposed to be normal but it was all taken from her. That one person took everything from her and he wanted to do it again.

HaeSoo clenched her fist on her desk thinking about everything she's been through. She had met people that made her life easier.

She met HyunJae who became her friend on her first day of school immediately

She met Detective Kim who took care of her although his only job was to solve her parents' case.

She met Lee So-Ra, the waitress at the cafe who gave her love and comfort.

And finally, she met Jimin. A guy she saw as a total creep and jerk. A guy she never thought she would have feelings for.

HaeSoo was not going to give that all up again.

Then and there, right at her desk, on the chair she was sitting on, she had made the decision to find the murderer herself and keep everyone she cared for away from her.

You won't believe it but this story is actually almost finished :/

I love this story so much that I don't want it to end!!

But everything comes to an end one day...

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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See yaaaaaa


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