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a/n: so here's a not-so interesting chapter ahead, but i promise got7 will actually become a thing in the book very soon haha. enjoy :)


Then I suddenly saw someone I never wanted to see. Hyunae? She looked just as shocked as I was. She looked me dead straight in the eye showing signs of anger. Then I realized, have I finally won? I broke the staring contest we were having and smiled at the remainder of the members.

I then saw a familiar face. One by one they began to introduce themselves.

"Hello, I'm Choi Jieun!" the girl with long light brown hair said. "I'm a vocalist and I rap a bit too," she continued on.
"Hey! I'm Park Chanhee," the next girl with short black hair continued on. "I'm a rapper," she said.
"I'm Moon Yerim! Nice to meet you!" another girl said. "I'm another vocalist," she said enthusiastically. She seems younger than me too.

Then, finally the girl who looked too familiar spoke. "Hi! I'm Lee Eunbi. I believe we met at the audition room? You did amazing!" she said. Ah, that's where she's from! I thought back to the day of the audition. She had such an amazing voice!

"Yes! I remember you. You did amazing too!" I replied in full honesty. Then everyone looked over at Hyunae waiting for her introduction. She just stared at me and let out a scoff before walking out of the room annoyed.

Everyone seemed kind of shocked at her sudden action, but I stood there unfazed as she slightly brushed over my shoulder on the way out. There was a slight silence that filled the room before Ms. Kang suddenly spoke. "Okay ladies, I'll leave you guys alone now. Get to know each other, okay?" she said before giving us once last glance before walking out of the glass door.

Still feeling slightly uncomfortable as I'm not used to the four other people in front of me, I stared down at the floor hoping someone would say something.

"That was Hyunae," one of them finally said. I looked up the owner of the voice. "I feel like she could have anger issues sometimes," Chanhee continued. Everyone laughed at her comment seeming to all agree on her horrible personality.

After what seemed like the one comment needed to break the ice, the long haired girl continued on the conversation. "Now, tell us a little bit about yourself!" Jieun said before taking a seat on the wooden floor and patting the empty spot beside her signaling me to follow.

I walked over to the spot next to her as the rest followed and formed a small circle. Everyone looked at me excitedly, eager to hear what I had to tell them. I let out a small laugh seeing everyone so focused of me.

"Well, I'm 16 years old and I used to dance when I was younger, but after the death of my close friend I took a break. I recently got back into music when my friend signed me up for the dance competition a couple weeks ago. I placed 2nd." I said. Everyones seemed to be surprised at my short story.

"No wonder you looked familiar!" Yerim started. "You participated in that same competition as Hyunae!" I just let out a smile and nodded my head trying not to lose my sanity from that topic being brought up again.

Then there was a sudden knock on the glass door. "Jihyun," Ms. Kang started. "It's time to continue on your tour." I looked at her with a confused looks, not sure what else there was to see. But, I gave in to her as I got up and bowed to the now four girls still sitting criss crossed on the floor. I gave them one last wave before trailing behind Ms. Kang again.

I followed her down the narrow hall before she turned right into what seemed like a small office. She knocked on the door before opening it. Not sure who it was, I remained optimistic about who was sitting in the rolling chair.

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