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a/n: lol so i randomly got a sudden urge to write, so here i am 2 months later oops. ps ur welcome erica:)

After a long wait and the decision of the guest judges, the first place winner is........"

I grasped tightly onto Eunjung's hand having high hopes for myself and expecting good results.

"Kim Hyunae!"


I stood in shock as I saw Hyunae run past me through my peripheral vision to go receive her reward. I just stared at her as the judges came onstage one by one to congratulate her. Still feeling dejected, Eunjung and I went back to the crowded front of the stage to watch the next performance.

"Now for the performance you have all been waiting for!" Bang Chan said happily into the microphone in his Australian accent. "GOT7!"

Fans began screaming as the lights dimmed and I felt as if my ears were about to fall off. The 7 boys began their performance.

Each one taking a turn to take center, I just so happened to take time and study their features. But, him. Why does he look so familiar?

Lights flashed and fireworks bursted off the stage as the song came to an end. The 7 boys took their final bow and fans began crying in hopes to see more of their favorite idol.

Eunjung nudged me as she was starstruck at the sight of these 7 figures. She kept talking about the boy who helped me escape the large crowd earlier, but knowing me, I didn't know who was who.

And just like that, the festival came to an end.

Eunjung and I went our seperate ways knowing we had a ton of school work to do. I opened the front door and walked into the pitch black house. I set down my keys and headed up to my room.

I passed by the wide open door that revealed a mirrored wall covered with papers of the choreography I made in such a short notice. 'Maybe next time,' I quietly said to myself as I grabbed the door handle and shut the door. 'Maybe next time.'

I walked into my room setting down my bags. I took a shower and got changed into my sleepwear. I jumped into my bed as I stared at my spinning fan on the ceiling. I couldn't get over the fact that one guy from on stage looked very familiar. I eventually shook off the thought thinking it was mearly a misunderstanding as I slowly drifted off.

I woke up Monday morning feeling more dejected than usual. I did my usual routine and met Eunjung at our regular place to head to school.

We walked through the gates as we saw a large group of people forming around in a circle. I see Hyunae standing center looking as if she is boasting to the crowd that is slowly getting larger as more people arrive.

"That's right! JYP accepted me to be their new trainee!" Eunjung and I heard as we passed by the large crowd. "What can I say, I guess GOT7 loves me!" she said as she flipped her hair back behind her shoulder.

She saw me pass by and as if the hell fell upon me, she spoke up once again. "Oh look who it is!" she started "If it isn't the loser of the competition last Saturday!" she said with a smirk as she crossed her arms.

As if on cue, everyone turned their heads towards me. I continued to just keep walking towards the building. "And she thought she could really beat me," Hyunae added one last comment. I took a deep breath to try to calm myself from saying anything back and continued walking to head to class.

My entire day was filled with stares and whispers. Despite the fact people laughed at my failure, I somehow managaed to get through the day.

Eunjung and I made our weekly run to the coffee shop. As per usual, Hyunjin took our usual order of two iced americanos and we payed our 7500₩. We took a seat near the large glass window and took out our notebooks as we began to do our schoolwork. A chair pulled up next to us, and we made eye contact with the lightly-brown haired boy in his work uniform.

"Jihyun, I heard what happened the other day..." Hyunjin began and I dropped my pencil on my homework and rolled my eyes. "Yes, I know. I lost to Hyunae. Now, can we please move on from the subject." I looked at his with pleading eyes. He threw his hands up in surrender to my reaction.

After calming down a little bit, we kept talking finishing our homework until we saw the sun begin to set. We packed up our things as Hyunjin got back to work cleaningg up the shop for it's closing. Eunjung and I waved goodbye as we heard the bells from the door ring signaling our departure. We then went seperate ways and I plugged in my earbuds putting on some music for the walk home.

As I was looking down at my phone, I felt a sudden stare from the person that just walked past me. From the corner of my eye, I could slightly make out her business-like attire and she looked as if she just hit the jackpot. I heard her heels hit the floor and eventually felt a tap on my shoulder.

"You're Jung Jihyun right? The runner-up from the dance competition last weekend," the woman asked me with her eyes glistening. I rolled my eyes due to the uprise of the topic I've wanted to avoid all day.

"Yes, I'm Jung Jihyun, the one who lost. Now, I've got to get going—" I said as I suddenly got cut off.

"I'm Kang Seolhyun, scouter for JYP. We saw you're performance and we truly believe you should've won the prize," she said. I looked at her with widened eyes as I'm shocked to hear a sudden compliment. "Here's my card," she continued as she handed me the small rectangular peice of cardstock.

I scanned over the card in my head debating whether this is really happening or not. I looked back up at her.

"We'd love to have you come in for an audition. I believe you could easily make it in with your high level of skill in dance. Please, give me a call if you do decide to. This is a once in a life time chance. Please think this through carefully," she said with a smile. I continued to look at her clearly still in a state of confusion.

She then slightly bowed as she walked away. I looked back down at the buisness card.

'What just happened?'

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