
19 1 2

a/n: lol so i've already written this chapter and when i looked back it was all deleted. i lost motivation again, but i got a sudden urge to finally write it again, so i hope you enjoy :)


I continued to look back down at the business card. I tilted my head a little bit in confusion. I continued walking down the sidewalk analyzing the small piece of paper in my hand.

I unlocked my house door and set my things down next to my shoes. I walked over to the kitchen, as it seemed my mom was already home from work. I greeted her and slowly brought up the agency topic. I showed her Ms. Kang's business card and my mom looked as happy one could be.

"Jihyun! This is an amazing opportunity! It's always been your dream to become an idol since you were a little girl!" my mom said. I looked at her in confusion. It was my dream to become an idol?



I looked at boy sitting in between my mother and his on the park bench. I began to sing and dance to Valenti by BoA. I jumped around occasionally singing the wrong lyrics as I finished my performance with an ending pose.

The parents and the boy clapped their hands as they began showering me with their compliments. I jumped up and down in happiness as I exclaimed, "When I grow up, I wanna dance and sing on stage mommy!" The boy also replied, "I do too! Jihyun lets perform together! Promise?" "Promise," I replied locking our pinkies together.

-flashback end-

I looked at her in realization. Should I go for it? What's there to lose?

That's right, my reputation if I don't get in. The humiliation from Hyunae and everyone at school. But, I can't lose to her again.

I picked up the business card that was sitting on the kitchen counter. 'Jung Jihyun, you're going to audition to become a JYP trainee'


I woke up Tuesday morning feeling a new kind of motivation. 4 days until the next audition at the agency, and I don't have anything prepared. And to add on, I haven't sung in years. I stopped after my childhood best friend died in that damn plane crash.

I went downstairs after getting ready and met Eunjung as usual. I felt my heart beat faster than usual as I felt somewhat nervous bringing up my audition. After a deep breath, I decided to just spit out my words. "I'm going to audition for JYP Entertainment this Friday," I told her really fast in embarrassment she might think I'm overdoing it.

She looked at me with her widened eyes behind her round glasses. A smile automatically grew on her face and she grabbed me by the shoulders and began jumping for joy.

"Yes Jihyun! I knew that competition was going to knock some sense into you!" she told me happily. "What made you want to do it?"

I then had to explain to her my story of being approached by Ms. Kang. I showed her the business card I quickly grabbed from my desk before leaving the house.

She inspected the small piece of paper carefully. "You're going to be friends with GOT7! It's like you guys are meant to be or something!" she said as she looked back up at me.

"Calm down Eunjung, I haven't even stepped foot into the company yet," I said as I grabbed her by the shoulders to stop her. 'What's so special about this Got7 anyways?'

After a day of class, I took Eunjung back to my house in hopes she would help me with my audition performance. We dropped off our bags at the front door as usual and walked into the former office filled with mirrors.

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